
Are you a Spendthrift during Christmas Season?

The cool breeze in the morning, the Christmas lights and decorations everywhere, Christmas carols played every now and then in radio stations, shopping malls on sale, bazaars here and there, are the things which remind us that Christmas is just around the corner. As Filipinos, we enjoy spending much during this occasion. Time to buy holiday presents for our loved ones, god children and friends. I, for instance take pleasure in shopping, but do we really need to be a big spender? Do we have to spend lavishly? According to my friend economist, this is the time of the year wherein one can generate extra income, employed people received extra money from company bonuses, thus at which point we can add more to our savings for future needs or necessity. He taught me that the proper way to maintain a financial plan is through the the budget formula: Income – Savings = Expenses. Whew! I do it the other way, income minus expenses equals savings or none at all. Buying gifts and Christmas wish ...

Ibang -Iba ang Pasko ng Makabagong Pilipino

I'm supporting blankPixels' entry to Sulit's Christmas card-making contest. Click here for more details. (Preview only. Click here for the full animated Christmas card.) Celebrate Christmas 2010 with, the leading online classified ads and buy and sell website in the Philippines.

Moments of Fulfillment

“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.” By Tom Bradley. This quote inspired me to write this article. Every human experiences moments of fulfillment. At present, my life’s greatest fulfillments are moments of: Grace. I graciously thank the Almighty Father for keeping me alive to see and feel the beautiful things around me. Happiness engulfed me when I gave birth to my two precious sons. For giving me a lifetime partner who can patiently bear with my shortcomings. My parents and siblings, always very supportive and loving. Lastly, for my friends whom I can share my happiness, sadness, advices and ideas which helped made me more a strong person. Due to all these graces, I am so much blessed and realized my worth and role in this world. Love, Satisfaction, Peace and Contentment . I can say that I am truly satisfied with what life has been bringing me all these years, although I am not living a luxurious way of life, I am very much contented with what...

Kids, Computers and the Worldwide Web

Nowadays, it is very typical to see a computer in every household. The computer technology, just like the cell phone already became a basic need of the family. You can see different computers on sale in the malls, and a wide range of ISPs’ (Internet Service Providers) to choose from. Computer literacy is no longer a problem to the new generation. Most schools are offering Computer Subject that is included in school’s curriculum from Pre-school to High School. Teachings begin from basic keyboard home keys up to the use of different applications. Adults, who are still beginners in computer know-how can learn a lot from our children’s computer books. The Worldwide Web, as defined in Wikipedia is abbreviated as WWW and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them by using hyperlinks. "The World-Wide ...

Daily Chores with Ease

Being the light of the house, a mother is always expected to do most of the house chores for her family. Cooking, washing the dishes marketing/grocery shopping, house cleaning, tending the children, doing the laundry, ironing clothes, etc., are exhausting tasks for a mother to do alone. Here are some tips to make the daily chores done with ease, making the house a home, a perfect world to live in: Plan house chores ahead, make a list and schedule of the things need to be done on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Delegate and assign tasks to your children according to the age and kind of work he/she would be doing. In my home, we call it “duty”. Simple bed-making after waking up in the morning is already a big help. A clean house makes it pleasant and beautiful, no matter how small it is. You can turn on your radio and listen to your favorite music station while doing the house chores. Marketing and grocery shopping can be done once or twice a week, in my case we do it twic...

Sibling Rivalry

Being the eldest among 4 sisters, I could still remember the frequent fights we had when we were still in our younger ages, now that I am a mother, I can relate on how hard my mom did her best to eradicate the problem among us, her daughters.   Though sibling rivalry is a part of human nature, I learned from my mom that its frequency can be decreased by showing each of your children how special they are. Mom advised me, to keep sibling rivalry to a manageable minimum, you have to teach your children that getting along gives them what they want: attention and privileges. It’s easy to comprehend but hard to apply. As the years go by, and my sons are growing fast, I learned through experience that it is very important to plan time alone with each of your children. I can focus my attention on each of my children’s needs, as well as it will keep me informed about feelings and problems they might be encountering especially during the puberty stage. Still, there are times whe...

Mother, Blogger

As I already mentioned in my first article, I am a full-time housewife, tending to the daily house chores. Though I have my helper with me, I personally tend to my husband and children's needs. Being in the house all day long makes me bored to the max! It's a good thing, I love to read, and when I'm done reading, I go online and check my accounts in Facebook, Twitter,and email. I started creating my own blog a year ago, but due to my hectic schedule being an ICafe Owner at the same time due to my health problems I wasn't able to pursue it. Being a mother doesn't mean you cannot be a blogger. I am not a professional writer, but I can express my opinions and ideas in my own way and style of writing. I will be writing articles, not only for the mothers' interest but for the whole family as well. May you find my articles worth reading. You may expect for a weekly update on this site.