7 Simple Steps for Designing Your First Baby Room

Designing a room for a new addition to the family is a fun and exciting home-based adventure, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Follow these 7 simple steps and you’ll find the whole process a cinch. Safety First You want to be able to rest soundly knowing that your baby is free from danger and out of harm’s way while resting or playing in his/her room. Make sure there are no sharp edges and that your child cannot get outside or climb near a window. Make sure there’s nothing the baby can pull down on top of him or her, and no way that your baby can fall from any height. It’s a good idea not to have the room too close to stairs and if there is a door that accesses the outdoors or a balcony, ensure it is lockable and not able to be opened by a big brother or sister while playing. Make sure any materials such as paints, wallpaper, varnish etc is non-toxic. It’s also important that the baby’s room is close to your own, so you can hear any disruptions and access it quic...