The Importance of Reading to Children

There are many important benefits of reading to children , and encouraging reading in children. Not only does reading spark imagination that will stay with your children for the rest of their life, but reading creates the basis of the learning and academic abilities that will be taken into adulthood. This post with highlight the main benefits of reading, and will also discuss some interesting findings that In The Book found when researching the importance of reading to children. Benefits of Reading to Children Reading is Fun A fantastic quote from Dr Seuss states: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go”. By reading books, your child is almost guaranteed to explore their imagination, learn about emotion, character and morals. Through reading, kids begin to love learning new things. One of the most important things that reading to children introduces is the idea that reading isn’t a task, it is a fun activity...