The Evolution of Technology

Centuries ago people were categorized by judging the amount of land owned and worked on. Back then there were only horses and bulls available to track carriages, ensuring transport in both urban areas and farms. Ever since the industrialization period, things have changes and evolution has taken place. Machinery slowly but surely replaced the work done by humans. With regards to transport, engines started being produced and proved to be more powerful and effective than the animal’s strength. Nowadays, technology is present in every aspect of our life. Horses are no longer used to move things from one place to another on the premises of a farm. Tractors are in charge of that and when needed, trailers are attached to these machines so that various objects or maybe even livestock can be easily moved from point A to B. Special types of trailers have been developed for the safe transportation of farm animals. Livestock trailers for pigs and sheep are produced using high r...