
Showing posts with the label health

Let Your DNA Influence Your Lifestyle and Live a Healthier Life

StockSnap. ‘Yoga.’ Copyright-free. There are genetic and DNA tests for almost any purpose you can dream of. However, not all genome testing is completed with the same level of diligence and integrity. There are two main types of DNA tests: medical and commercial. Medical gene and DNA tests are more thorough and specifically tailored to suit a patient. The costs associated with genetic tests, therapies, and gene counselors are significant. Many insurance companies will not cover the fees associated with these developing treatments. Consumer DNA tests range from quality screenings with reliable results to educated guesses that are more like entertainment than genetic research. Before exploring what these commercial DNA tests can do to protect and improve your health, it is wise to visit the objective DNA Weekly website where you will find honest reviews and helpful resources that aid you in buying the test best suited for your needs.  Precision Medicine One of the most ...

Operational Scope of Drug Rehabilitation and Treatment Centers

Alcohol and drugs rehabilitation is one of the most important treatments especially in reducing the dependency levels of alcohol and drugs. Due to human complexity, it is both a psychotherapeutic and medical treatment. Although different treatment procedures depend on the individual patient, the universal rule of combining the two treatments applies. The 'alcohol dependency' as an academic discipline has been home to some of the mind-blowing researches, and this growth explains the improvement of treatments in the last three decades. In line with the advancement in research and technology, intensive inpatient treatment has redefined time frame these treatments. How to select a rehabilitation and treatment center The following is a checklist for a rehabilitation center. In rehabilitation, the experience of a center is king, and it is important to do a background check on the rehabilitation center, both success rate and years in operations. Thanks to the Internet an...

Clearing Up The Controversy: What Is CBD Oil?

You have probably heard about cannabidiol (CBD) oil on the grapevine. But you’re probably still wondering ‘ what is CBD oil ’? It’s health benefits are being raved about more and more, and rightly so in our eyes. As well as being a massive help with skin conditions and other external disorders, CBD oil can have mental health benefits too. Despite there being plenty of research behind CBD oil and its uses, there is undeniably some controversy surrounding the product. This is understandable because immediately when people hear the word ‘cannabis’ in a product, they think illegal . Through no fault of their own, most of the general public are uneducated about the makeup of CBD oil so automatically assume it is dangerous or against the law. In actual fact, CBD oil is completely legal and does not contain the pesky ingredient THC which causes psychoactive effects. CBD oil comes from hemp, not marijuana, which, although they are from the same plant, are very different. So ...

Varicose Vein Treatment: Does Inflammation Cause Varicose Veins?

In medical science, cause and effect can sometimes be difficult to sort out. For example, medical researchers and vein doctors know there is a strong association between inflammation and chronic venous disease (varicose veins). However, by the time doctors see patients to evaluate them for varicose vein treatment, they usually already have both varicose veins (sometimes hidden) and inflammation. Since the association already exists, it's hard to know which came first. Did the inflammation cause the varicose vein disease or did the varicose vein disease bring on the inflammation? It's important to know which comes first, inflammation or varicose vein disease, in order to proceed with certain types of varicose vein treatment. If inflammation is causing the disease, it may be best to first treat the inflammation to slow the progression of the disease and to get a clearer picture of which varicose veins need to be treated first, second, and third. It may be that a vein doctor...

4 Biggest Myths about Weight Loss You Must Know About

When you start researching the various weight loss methods, you will come across many misconceptions that might give you a wrong idea about losing weight. And as a newbie, it is essential that you filter out such wrong information so that you get to your weight loss goal faster. And below, we bust four myths that are associated with weight loss. Moderate VS High-Intensity Exercise A popular myth regarding workout is that doing moderate exercise will help you burn more fat and lose weight faster than high-intensity exercises. This is only partly true. Moderate exercises do burn more fat, it does not mean that it will burn more calories. While the calorie burn will depend on the duration of the workout, it is the ‘after-burn’ post the exercise where the difference between the two approaches lies. When you do a moderate exercise, you will not burn too many calories after finishing your workout. In contrast, a high-intensity exercise will result in a more intense after-burn, whi...

Fundamentals of Improving Your Immune System You Didn't Learn in School

Everyone wants their immune system to be strong and healthy. Sometimes you have a year when you just seem to catch everything. And yet you have a colleague, friend, or family member who seems to be immune to everything. A strong immune system not only helps to prevent you getting ill but it helps you get better faster too. A cold isn't as bad as it could be if you manage to shake it off in a couple of days. But if your immune system isn't at its best, you could be suffering for a couple of weeks. If you want to make sure your immune system can kick germs' microscopic butts, here are some tips you might not know. Being Too Clean Isn't Good for You We have all seen those adverts for cleaning products that get rid of 99.99% of all bacteria. A hovering mother usually wipes her child's toy clean as soon as he's touched it. It's definitely good to maintain excellent hygiene habits. You should wash your hands after blowing your nose and keep your ki...

Mosquitoes here, there and everywhere

After my youngest son, Yahmir, has been hospitalized due to dengue fever caused by a mosquito bite years ago, I am always on guard against mosquitoes. Dengue and Chikungunya are now an all-year-round mosquito-bite diseases in the country which should not be taken for granted as it comes in different strains that can be fatal. image via To refrain from being the dinner of these blood suckers, as much as possible we mosquito proof our home.   We always check for any stagnant water in and out of the house especially after a rain fall.   Any pool of water like in the saucer of a plant pot or rain water caught inside an old tire, fresh flower vases and even in the base of an air conditioning unit is a good place for them to breed and hang out. In fact, wherever they can find enough water   to lay their eggs, they will be there. There are many ways to keep safe from mosquitoes.  Through researching I have found out that there are plants that r...

Simple Office Exercise to Break the Sedentary Life

Working in an office with the job you truly love maybe enjoyable for some, but it could also lead to a sedentary lifestyle. You get stuck at the office, sitting in front of the computer all day and draining you of all the motivation to drag yourself off for some physical activities afterwards.  Well if you don’t start now, you might realize too late that sitting can kill you slowly with lifestyle diseases caused by living a passive, unhealthy and sedentary life. There are simple exercises that you can do at the office safely and without affecting your work or your officemates. Here are some suggestions –

The Road to Conception: Your Guide to Vitamins

Although everyone knows the importance of taking the right nutritional supplements once they’re pregnant, far too few people really realize that upping your nutrition game even before you’re pregnant has many benefits as well. Taking the right vitamins can help increase your chances of conceiving in the first place. It can also help prepare your body to maintain a smooth, successful pregnancy and deliver a healthy, happy baby. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best and most effective vitamins and dietary supplements out there today. Vitamin C ©Wavebreak Media Ltd/Veer/Corbis We’re all familiar with Vitamin C for the way it helps keep the immune system healthy and promotes speedy tissue regeneration. However, it’s important to note that Vitamin C can help you conceive as well. According to the nutritional experts at the Mayo Clinic, multiple studies have shown that this essential nutrient can help women who suffer from ovulation-related conditions improve thei...

Pamper Your Feet with Memory Foam Slippers

You might have heard about memory foam mattresses and pillows and how incredibly helpful they are in ensuring your comfort while you sleep. Many users have also claimed to have improved memory and recall upon use of these mattresses and pillows. They do not only get a very good sleep each night, but their bodies are also pampered and relaxed. The same can be applied to our body’s most used part – the feet. Not everyone take notice of how stressed their feet are until they are already painful and achy – our feet need a fair share of pampering and indulgence with a pair of memory foam slippers.  The technology applied in memory foam mattresses and pillows are the same with the ones used in these slippers. It uses visco-elastic foam which is highly-reactive to the body’s temperature so you can be assured they your slippers take the contours of your feet to its tiniest details. You’d feel extremely comfortable wearing these slippers as it gives needed support to the a...

A Good Mattress: We All Need Some Support

It used to be that only a new mother would find the topic of sleep endlessly fascinating—the way a hungry person might obsessively ponder their next meal—but nowadays sleep, and the elusiveness of a good night’s rest, is a hot topic. 

Arm your family against Flu

In the old days the flu season occurs during the cold days of the year, but nowadays the prevalence of its outbreaks is unpredictable due to climate change and extreme weather conditions. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control) the available flu vaccine was 60% effective, so they further recommended that all people over age 6 months to get the vaccine as this year influenza according to case reports has been becoming severe in nature due to viral strain mutation. Because influenza is a virus, it is a contagious respiratory illness that can easily be transmitted from one person to another. Elders, children and persons with chronic health conditions are at risk. You can get the flu when a person infected with it coughs, sneezes infront of you or near you. The droplets containing their germs can be inhaled by anyone likewise through touching door knobs, elevator buttons and handrails which were touched by the infected person. It can be mild or severe; in some cases it can...