Cufflinks, formal jewellery buttons to last a lifetime

A white-collar profession requires formal outfits especially when attending business meetings, social events and important occasions. Men usually have less accessories worn compared to women. Cufflinks, aside from a watch are referred to as one of the formal jewelleries generally worn by men with their formal shirts. Cufflinks are one of the best presents to give on occasions like birthdays that would be gladly appreciated aside from the latest gadgets. An antique jewellery like cufflink would be a great souvenir too which can be used time and time again. What is a cufflink? It is a decorative fastener alternative to buttons which is used to secure the cuffs when wearing a jacket. These buttons are intended for use with shirts which have buttonholes on both sides that usually have no buttons to fasten. This jewellery can be made of enamel, titanium, precious metal like gold, white gold and silver, glass, fine gem stones, wood, leather and more. Why wear cufflinks? Cufflinks a...