Inspirational Blog Award

I am very thankful to have received a blogging recognition. A co-blogger, my loyal and frequent blog visitor and commenter, now becoming a dear friend had bestowed me this Inspirational Blog Award. Thank you Sie ! I hope my writings will continue to be of inspiration and substantial to my readers. I will be rendering this distinction to other bloggers who also share musing articles. Well here now are my answers for the Eight Easy Tag Questions: 1. What makes you laugh, smile or giggle ? I laugh out loud on family bonding moments, when we watch funny dvd movies, when we share funny stories, when I talk to my best blogging friends who usually crack jokes which I can’t help laughing. While, a simple gesture of a warm greeting makes me smile. I giggle when my husband send me text messages on how he misses me during the day that he’s out for work then wrapping up with warm embraces in the afternoon w...