New Homeowners Guide: Get Your Heating Right First Time

Starting the journey to buying a new home is one of a kind yet stressful experience. From finding your dream place to securing a mortgage, it’s a relief once it’s over and you can finally move in. But the battle doesn’t cease there, as getting your home in tip-top shape is a whole other type of stress. Between choosing your favourite wallpaper and what colour sofa to have, you might forget about the more critical factors in your new home. One thing that new homeowners forget about is your new boiler- it may not seem like a big deal, but making an informed decision could slash the prices you’ll pay in the future. However, before you can buy, you need to know the facts and figures to make the best choice for your home. Why is your heating system so important? The boiler that’s in your home will have a more significant impact than you may think. It will affect small, everyday comfort and money issues in your home, so getting it right the first time will eliminate small probl...