5 Tips to Helping Your Kids Write Essays

A big part of education and learning involves writing. Through all levels of education, your child will encounter different forms of writing. As a parent, you know that it's common for kids to express many different ideas at once. But when it comes to putting these thoughts and ideas down on paper, they have trouble. So what will happen when a teacher gives your child an essay with strict deadlines and broad guidelines?

Your child may have had experience with other forms of writing such as short stories and rhymes, but composition writing is different. Writing a decent essay is not an easy task. Nevertheless, there are a few things that you can do to help your child. Here are 5 tips that will help you do just that:
1. Become Their Coach
Instead of rushing to correct your child’s mistakes, ask them what they feel is most challenging in essay writing. This allows you to understand exactly where the problem lies. By asking your child to give a self-review, you're also laying a good foundation to work on. It helps your child understand that correcting the essay isn't the main objective - consistent improvement is.
This also allows you and your child to develop a connection as writer and editor. You will be able to correct their essays without getting much pushback in return. And, most importantly, it gets your child into the habit of rereading and editing their essays.
2. Encourage Them
As much as you highlight your child’s mistakes and on errors, it's also important to give credit for any positive efforts. Such reinforcement is essential in building up good writing techniques and habits.
You should also encourage your children to practice writing more. This will make them better writers by sharpening the skills they have learned from you.
3. Have a Brainstorming Session
What makes an essay stand out is the ability to connect different arguments into a single cohesive body of work. So take the time to plan an essay with your child before they start working on it. This will give them the ability to control the flow of ideas and words.
It could also be helpful to create a visual map for your child to use. This helps them to lay out their thoughts in a logical manner. With time, your child will develop this skill and be able to write a coherent essay.
4. Make it a Fun Experience
Using technology and the latest applications to make learning fun is a good way to keep your kid's interest for longer. Children tend to lose concentration easily when bored. Encourage them to write, and give them colorful pens and notebooks where they can put down their ideas at the same time.
Try to combine different learning methods and gauge the outcome. Playing educational games will boost the growth of your child’s writing and general academic skills.
5. Be a Good Role Model
Let your children observe you writing. Make sure you smile when they are looking in your direction. This shows them that there is nothing to be afraid of when writing and that it should be a happy experience. It works because children are keen to mirror the actions of their parents.

Occasionally, write the same essay as them and read it aloud. Ask them what they think about it and welcome any corrections. This is a good way to show your child that revising your essay is a natural part of writing.


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