5 Steps to Assessing Your Neighborhood’s Safety

When it pertains to the well-being of your family and personal property, you can never be too safe. However, safety does not end with ensuring that you have the proper equipment and alarm system set in place for your home. While securing your property is essential, your neighborhood should be just as secure. Keeping burglars out of your home could potentially be done if you and your neighbors have a system in place that keeps them out of your neighborhood.

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Neighborhood Watch Program

Does the neighborhood you currently live in, or are moving into, have a neighborhood watch program? If not, you should suggest that this program be implemented. The purpose of this program is to reduce the crime that takes place in your neighborhood by working with the local law enforcement agency. Sometimes you will need to take surveys pertaining to the safety needs of the neighborhood. You and neighbors that have volunteered to help with the program will need to patrol the neighborhood at different times, reporting any suspicious activity that you see. The members of the neighborhood watch program will also come together to implement security precautions that the community should take.

Vacant Homes

Vacant homes in your neighborhood may not be something you can control, but you and your neighbors can take the vacant homes under your wings. A vacant home is very enticing to burglars and thieves; they look at the property as a place to hide out in, or somewhere that they can store stolen property. You should take it open yourself to keep an eye out on the vacant property, and report any type of suspicious behavior and activity to the local authorities, as well as the bank or real estate company that currently owns the vacant home. Remove any trash or items that have been in the home, and volunteer to keep the lawn manicured as well. You do not want to attract criminals to the home, or your neighborhood.

Home Security Systems

It is a fact that burglars are less likely to target a home that is secured with a home security system; therefore, if the homes throughout your neighborhood have home security systems installed, thieves are more likely to skip your community during their next attempted burglary. In addition to an alarm system, you should consider having your home monitored throughout the day. Burglars often target homes during the day while they believe the homeowners are away at work, and the children are at school. Take the time to research home security system providers in order to ensure you receive the best service, and a company that uses state-of-the-art equipment. When you choose a service provider, such as NorthStar alarm company, be sure to ask a representative what the best home security services for your neighborhood are.

Lighting Throughout the Neighborhood

It is important that there is enough lighting within a neighborhood; this has an impact on the crime that could take place. Neighborhoods that have a significant amount of lighting are least likely to be targeted by burglars. A study was done that stated crime decreased by 21 percent in neighborhoods where there was an adequate amount of lighting. Improve the lighting in your neighborhood to increase the surveillance capability, and to deter criminals from targeting your community.

Eliminate Hiding Spaces

Burglars seek out areas to hide in before they invade a home. These hiding spaces include shrubbery, yard furniture, and random spaces around the home. These spaces, along with random items around the home, are often used by burglars to shield themselves from illegally activity. Speak with your neighbors about keeping the shrubs in their yard low and properly maintained. Always encourage neighbors to keep the gates to their yards locked, and their windows or doors closed and locked as well.

Do you have a safety checklist in place to keep your neighborhood secure? How often do you meet with your neighbors and discuss community safety? Are your safety guides and practices up-to-date? Assessing your neighborhood’s safety should be just as important as assessing the safety of your own personal property. Use the assessments above to determine if the security systems, procedures, and policies that your neighborhood has in place are effective. Safeguarding your neighborhood should be a priority! 


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