Halloween is coming – Party ideas for everyone

Everyone’s favorite holiday is almost here, and there are several ideas you can use to create an awesome party for your friends and family. Any of the items needed for these party ideas can be purchased at Shindigz or on Amazon. Don’t forget to look up for Shindigz special promo codes to save you some extra cash.

Here are some party ideas for you

Walking Haunted House Tour 

Everyone loves a good haunted house; you can really have fun with this and create something that is really memorable. There is no limit as to what you can do here, and you can have friends and family plus any other volunteers participate and come up with ideas to make your haunted house stand out from the rest and give everyone a good fun scare.

Investigation Ghost Hunts 

This is great for kids and is basically like a treasure hunt or clue style game in the real world, it can include ghost and zombies as well murders or anything else Halloween related. Any item you need to make an authentic scary treasure hunt or detective case can be found at Amazon.

Halloween Charades 

This is fun for everyone, you can brainstorm on different idea that are related to Halloween like guillotine beheadings, vampires sleeping in their coffin, the creature of the black lagoon, Frankenstein and so on. The possibility is endless and is great for children and adults of all ages.

Best Costume Contest 

The classic contest that makes Halloween so fun, you can give prizes and other trophies. Anything from free pizzas to movie tickets and Halloween style home made trophies and other cool ideas all get people more engaged in the contest. Whatever you decide, make sure you inform people about it from the beginning so they can prepare and make awesome costumes.

Halloween Baking Contest 

Having a bake off is a great way to get to see some awesome cakes and baked goods and then to get to eat some tasty treats. You’ll be amazed by how good some bakers really are. There are some truly talented people out there.

Halloween Talent Show 

Offering a talent show related to the holiday is a great way to get people excited and to have a good laugh as most talent shows consist of some pretty funny antics.

These are just some ideas for Halloween parties and all of the items and gags you need for your party.

Image credits: Pixabay.com


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