Back to School Adjustments Tips

It's school time again! The two months school break is over, the Department of Education declared last April 2, 2014 that the first day of classes for School Year (SY) 2014-2015 in public elementary and secondary schools nationwide in the Philippines is on June 2, 2014 and shall end on March 27, 2015. According to Education Secretary Armin Luistro, private schools may deviate from this School Calendar, based on Republic Act (RA) No. 7797 or “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from 200 days to not more than 220 Days. Going back to school after a long break may pose some adjustment difficulties for children and parents as well, so here are some suggestions to help ease the transition and promote a successful school experience.

A new school year brings excitement to our children as it means new school things – new bags, new shoes, new school supplies and more. However, it also brings new worries to our children, some feel nervous on their first day of school because of the new things they will encounter – new teachers, new classmates, new lessons or a new school. Nevertheless, as they get used to these new concerns, their apprehensions and uneasiness will only stick around for a while.

We, parents must prepare and help our school children in adjusting to the upcoming greater levels of activity like home works, projects and pressures associated with school life by planning ahead and maintaining a positive attitude so they can manage their normal back-to-school jitters.

Buy all the necessary school supplies early, then as much as possible a week before the school starts, condition the minds of your children by engaging them in the preparation like name labeling and covering their books and notebooks. With a checklist, let them fill their backpacks with the required school supplies.

Also, a week before the school starts, re-establish bedtime and mealtime routines. This way their body clock can also adjust in waking up early again. After eating breakfast, encourage them to open and read their new books to help them get familiarize with their upcoming lessons before they play.

Remind them that just like last school year TV, handheld gadgets and computers will only be used on a limited time during school days. Other house rules on study practice will also apply once the school starts.

We moms also need to plan and make a list of weekly meal menu for their school snacks or packed lunch, so that meal preparation will be much easier and will not add to domestic worries and tensions during the first week of school.

The transition of activities may cause some minor difficulties during the first week of going back to school but it will become a daily routine in no time.

Photo credits: Stuart Miles – FreeDigitalPhotos.Net


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