Newborn Essentials for First Time Parents

Preparing stuff for a baby on the way is truly a gruesome task. You have lots of things to consider but thanks to some thoughtful friends who prepare Baby Showers, you’ll have a shorter list to complete before the big day comes.

Just recently, I have to recall all the baby essentials I needed with my sons when they were born so that I can give my friend a practical gift that she can use for her baby. As first time parents, they have a long list of baby stuff and essentials to prepare and buy. For me, here are some essential things that should make a priority on your list.

Photo credits: Lars Plougmann –

First is the bassinet or a crib. Most new mothers can’t get enough of holding their baby and sometimes choose to co-sleep with their baby on their side. But sooner or later a crib will come in quite conveniently.  Boppy pillows are also functional and practical to have especially with a newborn. Expectant moms will find comfort with this when used as a sleep positioner for their bulging stomach. You can also use this as a support when you are breastfeeding.

First time parents will also need lots of one piece suits and baby clothing because you might need to change them often. However, it is advised not to buy more than two dozen as babies grow faster, you’ll be surprised that after the third month you’ll need to buy a new set of clothes again. White is the recommended color for baby clothing but other hues such as pink and yellow for baby girls and blue and greens for baby boys are available in baby stores too. 

One of the most needed newborn essentials is the cloth or disposable diapers.  It would be wise to buy disposable diapers in bulk as it is cheaper by the dozens, thus will give you great savings too.  Moreover, it is also wise to invest on a baby monitor for your baby’s room so you can do other chores around the house yet still can monitor your baby’s activity and can attend to him at once when he gets awake or cries and needs a nappy change or feed him when he’s hungry.


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