Cleaning 101: Cleaning Short Cuts You can Use At Home

We all want a spotless home, yet due to busy schedules most of us cannot afford to spend bulk of our time cleaning each and every corner of the house on a daily basis. However, we can maintain a spick and span abode by having a system. The key is take care of cleaning jobs as they come up, instead of  putting them off until weekends which is usually the scheduled cleaning day.

image credit: AKARAKINGDOMS -

Here are some suggested cleaning short cuts that take less time to accomplish.

Dusting – wiping out dust using a micro fiber cloth can take away dirt in an instant. The static charge of this cloth attracts dirt and dust so dusting chores on shelves, appliances and furniture will be easier without using spray or chemicals. Micro fiber cloth is also safe to use as they are not abrasive, thus won’t scratch surfaces.  You can use it damp or dry.

Change trash bags or vacuum bag – less than a minute is all you need to change your vacuum bag and make it run more efficiently. The same applies for changing trash bags, you don’t have to take the trash all the way out, just take out the full bags from the trash can and replace them with clean empty ones.

Collect Garbage – if you don’t have the time to clean up a kid’s room but you want to make it look nicer, then clear out the garbage. Simply grab a bag and start stuffing it, you’ll soon find huge improvement in the room.

Removing pet hair – Having pets living inside the house is an added burden when it comes to cleaning. The duct tape method is a great improvised pet hair remover and much faster rather than vacuuming. Pet hair lying on your couch and vehicle seats will be glued all together in the sticky duct tape.

Train your children to make up their bed in the morning upon waking up; the bedroom looks neat when the bed is made up. Also ask them to clean up their mess and fix their toys after playing.

Make a habit of cleaning kitchen counters after each cooking, wipe spills immediately. It is also wise to cover the counter top with sheets of wax paper before preparing food so cleaning afterwards will be effortless.

A handy supply of biodegradable disposable wipes will minimize germs to spread. 

No shoe policy can keep the dirt out, place a doormat outside the main door and another one on the back door then place an additional doormat inside each door as it can help keep dirt off floors.

Sweep the floor or vacuum beginning from the bedrooms going way out and ending at the doorway, the same procedure applies to quickly mop the floor.

De clutter through a systematize arrangement and organization of things around the house will make cleaning a manageable and quick task. Clean as you go along won’t end up on a tremendous weekend cleaning job.


  1. I always wish that we can build a pond at our garden but our backyard is too small for it.

  2. I love your 3rd tip. An office overlooking garden sounds really good. At least if ever you get so stressed out, you could step out and enjoy the flowers even for a minute.

  3. A garden is something that I miss, living in a high rise. Although during the planting season in recent years, I've managed to have a flower garden and vegetable garden, potted nga lang haha. Hanggang dun lang yun because our balcony although decent sized, it is not huge.

  4. I haven't been successful transforming our plain and boring backyard...creating a pond would be a great idea!

  5. It looks like we need a "pro" with all these garden ideas ! Surely love the ideas thanks for sharing.

  6. Sis, that is a beautiful garden :-) We have a pond and loves to stay their especially in the summer time. How I wish that I have a garden but this time want to plant veggies. I do have a flower garden in the front of our house :-)

  7. A garden is always a nice thing to have when you have your own property. For me, it adds a refreshment and peace that a city lifestyle without a garden cannot give.

  8. i would love to have a pond if given the chance to have my own garden. However turning the garden into an office is more interesting. Great ideas!

  9. I wish my Grandpa is still with us and he haven't sell the house with a wide backyard before he died, we could really use it to make a great garden.. and with a pond in it. I like that idea! :)


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