Clairvoyancy – an alternative to counselling

Many people have difficult times in their lives and could benefit from going to counselling therapy. However, to go down this route feels too official and a little too prescriptive for some people, so they end up not confronting or dealing with the challenges they are facing.

One alternative to counselling that can be very helpful for analysing your particular circumstances and issues is to have a reading with a psychic or clairvoyant. In psychic or clairvoyant readings at, you can discuss any subject area that you want to, and looking at different problems or dilemmas you are facing with the help of an independent and objective listener can be really beneficial. If you were to talk to a friend or relative, they might find it impossible not to try and sway you with their own view of your situation. A clairvoyant will not do this – they are not involved in your life and remain objective. 

Clairvoyants ‘see’ images during a reading and interpret those images in order to help their clients resolve different issues. The different images a clairvoyant sees in their mind will be prompted by the client’s questions and responses to the interpretations that the clairvoyant sees. Clairvoyance is a term that comes from the French and means ‘clear vision’.

If you decide to have a reading, then it’s a good idea to note down the main questions you have or areas of your life that you wish to discuss. This will give the reader a focus and act as a launch pad for your reading. The more relaxed you can be before the reading, the easier it will be for the clairvoyant to tune into your thoughts, so try and take some time to allow yourself to be calm and settled before the reading.

Clairvoyant readings usually leave people feeling optimistic and uplifted – and if it’s helped you put your life into perspective, then so much the better. It isn’t something that works for everyone, but what have you got to lose by giving it a try?

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