Are you suffering from hearing loss?

Hearing loss can impact your life negatively on many levels, and on the lives of your family and friends. If you suffer from a loss of hearing, you’re far from alone. More than 30 million Americans suffer some form of hearing loss, and that includes teenagers. If your hearing has been damaged, it is likely you deal with frustrations big and small on a daily basis. These frustrations can range from not being able to hear at the dinner table to not being able to fully appreciate a piano concert.

The people you live with also get frustrated because they have to repeat virtually everything they say, or they have to endure loud volumes on the TV or radio because you can’t hear programs at a normal decibel level. A “yes” answer to the following questions means you most probably have hearing loss:

  • Do you constantly ask people to repeat what they have said?
  • Do family members complain that you have the volume on the TV too high?
  • Do you have a problem following conversations at the dinner table, in a restaurant, or any other venue that has a lot of background noise?

It’s a noisy world, and people are subjected to harmful noise levels in just about every facet of life. While urban noises, such as jackhammers and traffic, can certainly impair your hearing, it’s also true that you can live on an isolated farm and still damage your hearing, particularly if you frequently listen to music or pod casts while wearing ear buds or ear phones of any kind. With the popularity of these audio devices, it’s no surprise that millions of adults and children are sustaining hearing loss at early ages.

One of the biggest reasons people have traditionally balked at purchasing hearing aids is that the devices were large and visible; definitely not aesthetically pleasing. That’s no longer the case. With today’s technology, hearing aids are almost invisible, and better yet, the sound quality is vastly improved.

If you suspect you have any hearing loss at all, it would be wise to get your hearing tested and consider getting hearing aids if you need them. Have your hearing tested by a professional audiologist and then start shopping for a device that is perfect for you, such as Miracle-earhearing aids. That’s a company that’s been around for more than six decades and has thousands of satisfied customers. No matter which company you choose, you’ll be surprised at the wide range of digital hearing aid devices available today. Some types fit over your ear, some behind your ear, and some inside your ear canal. Even the external devices, however, are barely noticeable.

Keep in mind that a hearing aid is just that: an aid. If you suffer from hearing loss, you will never get your full hearing back, barring any new miracle technology that is. Hearing aids today are much better than they have ever been, though; with a hearing aid you will definitely hear better—and maybe even begin to hear tones and sounds that have eluded you for a long time.

Photo credits: David Castillo Dominici –


  1. My mom indeed suffers from hear loss and she often asks us to repeat what we say. In a day, I cannot count how many times she says "Ano?" So everyone in the house must have loud and clear voices to have her hear our words. Tsktsk. I say that my Christmas gift to her would be an appointment checkup with the doctor.

  2. Good thing I don't experience this yet but the good thing to those who suffers this kind of problem. There's a hearing aid but just a palliative way not to solve the problem. I think my mom kinda suffers this but siguro sa age na rin yun haha

  3. People with friends and family need to have more patience when it comes to the subject of hearing loss. Well, for my Dad, it just comes natural because he is already aged.

  4. My nephew is so hardheaded that it takes us several times before grabbing his attention so I always say that he may not be lazy, he may be deaf. => But this one is good since there are hearing aids they can avail.

  5. Thanks for reminding. It seems like hearing aid are that important nowadays. You are right on your post "If you suspect you have any hearing loss at all, it would be wise to get your hearing tested"

  6. my father in law use hearing aid and it does makes wonder for him. My mother also is hvng a hard time hearing that she got when she was working in a factory before. she puts a drop medicine for it. i am more having a hair loos problem though hehe.

  7. That would be good, an almost invisible hearing aid can be wear at anytime anywhere, ya know there are people who feels embarrass wearing hearing aid but this one, there will be no insecurities because everyone would hardly noticed it.

  8. One of the reasons why many would prefer not to wear hearing aids even if they need it is its obvious implication of hearing problems. This "almost-invisible" option is really good.

  9. I have already experience some of hearing loss due to my senior age and also for my hypertension. Nevertheless, I could still sensitive things in some instances. You're right I seem quite frustrated and subject for derision because of that...

  10. Good to hear that there are hearing aids that are "almost invisible" kasi alam mo naman ibang Pinoy basta meron lang makitang kakaiba sa kapwa Pinoy wagas na makatitig. Also, good thing I am not yet experiencing such.


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