Anti-Ageing Skincare Tips for Moms

The other day, my son and I were buried in his Science homework, talking about the different types of textures.  When we were on the topic of “roughness”, he jokingly held up a sheet of sandpaper against my face and said, “Mom, you know, sometimes the skin on your face feels like this!”  Since when did my son grow up to be annoyingly cute?  At that moment, I wasn’t quite sure whether I wanted to smother him with kisses or kick him to the curb!

With the countless responsibilities we moms are faced with, day in and day out, it comes as no surprise that we often neglect the things we shouldn’t.  Like our skin, for example.  Before we know it, our kids are making fun of us in the name of science.

If you’re starting to notice that your skin isn’t as glowing or supple as it was when you used to be a carefree woman of the world, take action.  Here are some anti-ageing skin care tips for moms:

Ban the Sun

How many times has your grandmother told you to never forget to put on your sunblock before going out under the sun?  She didn’t say that just to get on your nerves.  Not since the wise counsel of the sages from centuries past has there been a sounder piece of advice passed on to us.  The sun is a major culprit when it comes to skin ageing, so it makes perfect sense to stay away from it as much as possible.  If you must put yourself under the sun’s torture, be sure to slather on some sunscreen to filter out the sun’s harmful UV rays. Wear a hat or bring an umbrella.

Hydrate, hydrate

Unless you want your skin to look as parched as the Sahara, then you should make it a habit to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Drinking lemon water in the morning, 30 minutes before having breakfast will help you feel great and even lose weight. The antioxidants in lemon juice according to studies help decrease wrinkles as it detoxify your blood, thus you will maintain your skin’s radiance.

Eat right

Have a healthy dose of foods rich in antioxidants every day.  Eat a lot of oranges, kale or guava.    The high content of Vitamin C in these foods helps support the collagen in your skin, making it tighter and younger-looking.


Never, ever forget to take off all your makeup before you hit the sack.  Sleeping with makeup on is probably one of the most horrendous things you could do to the skin on your face.  Makeup particles clog your pores, making them look bigger.  This can also cause inflammation which eventually leads to the breakdown of collagen.  Remember, collagen = skin tightness = youthful skin.  Find the best facial cleanser which works for you.  Choosing the right facial wash for your skin type can thoroughly clean and remove impurities while maintaining your skin’s natural moisture balance. Proper face washing can help your skin retain a soft, smooth and natural healthy glow. Remember to stick to your daily skin cleansing routine.

Have a positive outlook

Ever wondered why Fraulein Maria from the Sound of Music looked so radiant even without makeup?  It’s because she had a cheery disposition.  When happy hormones run through your body, they make their way to your skin, making you look like a flower blossoming in the spring.  Sure, life is never without drama.  But if you learn to always look at the upside of things, you’ll see that life isn’t so bad after all.

So, at your next high school reunion, don’t be surprised if everyone tells you that you don’t look a day older.  When it comes to skin care, it is possible to turn back the hands of time.

Photo credits:  posterize -


  1. Nice tips on how to take care of you skin to prevent ageing. Sun is really the culprit so we must always use sunblock or an anti aging cream.

  2. I have defied tip number 1 for so many years. I just hate the feel of sunscreen. I'm paying the price big time. Even if I follow the rest of your tip list through the years the effect of the sun in the absence of protection is hard to reverse but it is doable. :-)


  3. Kids can say the most brutal truth and yet we mothers always let them slip by. As we age, our skin loses elasticity so we become wrinkly and I agree with you, all these tips you have shared helps in making our skin supple and can delay the signs of aging.

    I always make sure I have plenty of water, fruits and veggies an fibre in my diet. It helps clean my system giving me a more youthful glow. No need for BB creams! hehehehe :)

  4. Hahaha I am laughing here ate Joy lol. Reminds me of what my husband would say about my heels. He would tell me that my heels feels like sandpaper hahaha.

  5. Kids can be so funny sometimes, but also they are the one who tells the truth. So sometimes I ask kid's opinion rather than adults as some adults just don't want to hurt our feelings which would not be blunt at all...but this ways is the best and yet simple ways to help us maintain our skin and our younger look too.

  6. Very handy and helpful tips. Drinking enough water do rejuvenate the skin. Ah, never will I have a fair skin, I love kasi exposing myself sa sun.

  7. hahaha your son reminds me so much of my own son who teases me non-stop :) thank you for the reminder to eat well and have a positive outlook...lately there has been too many stressing matters at my workplace making my skin pimple laden :)

  8. Like they say, kids always tell the truth even when it hurts. LOL!

    I so agree! I don't leave the house without putting on sunscreen. I have to say it's very effective. Very useful tips here Te Joy do defy ageing gracefully :-)


  9. Thank you so much Sis J for all these healthful tips. I like to hydrate because my skin is so dry especially that it is very cold here in NY. I need to apply more lotion :-)

  10. I really need these skin tips. I agree the positive outlook helps a lot in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. It's the secret for having what they call "baby face".


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