Character and Competence, Equally Important for Career Success

Career experts say that competence and character are two equally important traits for a worker’s success in his vocation.  Competence is measurable while character is a bit abstract and the best way to know a person’s true character is to see how he responds in a crisis that is when problems arise true characters are revealed.

Workers with questionable ethics will definitely get their career collapse in due time while the ones who live by high moral standards will flourish and can withstand difficulties. Character is simply defined as who we are when no-one is watching. Reliability and integrity in the working place whether or not the boss is around shows a person’s job disposition. 

A competent worker on the other hand is someone who has the capability, experience and know-how in his job nature. He can organize and can elevate work performance according to the company’s standards. His skills and efficiency can carry out the specific tasks assigned to him. In simpler term, a worker is competent if he has the ability to a job properly.

The combination a wholesome character and competency - the two important traits observed in a workplace can build a good reputation that can lead to one’s career success.

Photo credits: photostock of FreeDigitalPhotos.Net


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