A Breather for Busy Moms

Being a mom is the busiest job in the world. Most moms need to balance work and home demands. Moms can get caught up in a frenzied juggle of spouse, children, bosses, household chores, projects, errands and even family pets. If it gets too much to take, moms definitely need a breather or a time out to collect themselves and charge out to face all these demands once more.

When was the last time you had a date with your spouse without your kids? How long was it when you last bonded or talked with your girlfriends and siblings? It may become difficult to find time for yourself when you have your family and career to think about, but with little changes you can significantly improve how your daily routines and avoid that “burnt out” feeling from doing everything.

lunch date, bonding time with my sisters

Communicate with your partner what you need so that you will be more connected and in tune. Use technology such as text messaging, email or a post it on places that he or she can easily see. Schedule your chores, even your visit to the salon, meet up with girlfriends and date nights. Once in a while, put the kids to bed early or hire a babysitter so that you and your spouse can enjoy some time together. Find something that will work for your family, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your spouse in doing the errands or chores and take a little time out every day so you’ll feel refreshed and energized to juggle all your tasks once again.


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