Choosing Accent Rugs that Suit Your Home Décor

Rugs are one of the easiest and the simplest items that you can use to change your home’s feel and look. With a couple of accent rugs to furnish corners or to highlight important pieces of furniture, you can improve your home’s interior effortlessly. Depending on the quality and kind of rugs that you want, the prices can greatly vary so you must always think thoroughly before you buy an accent rug.

For accent furniture, small rugs which make them look even more “accented” should look good in its place. You should find something that will match or contrast with the floor. If you have a patterned carpet, accent rugs should be a solid color, and if your carpet is plain, then a patterned rug would look good here.

Choose accent rugs that do not contrast a lot with your home’s color scheme otherwise it will only become an eyesore. Cream rugs will complement brown carpeting while plain orange or black rug will match nicely with red patterned carpet. Accent rugs are basically used to show off areas or furniture around your home. They are not really used to match anything in your home, you can choose to have accents that blends in or ones that somewhat contrasts and make spots look even more “accented.”

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