An Academic Yearend Award
I may not be a perfect
mom but I am proud to say that I was able to raise my two sons modestly. Parenting stubborn children is not easy yet I
was able to inculcate moral values and build emotionally stable children. My
eldest son, now 23 years old is focusing on his career enrichment while my
youngest son, 13 years old has just finished grade 7 with an academic award
that called for another family celebration.
From grade 7 he will be
promoted to grade 8 in the next school year. His achievement being a newcomer in
his new school is really a big accomplishment for our family. To prepare him
for his chosen college course, we decided to transfer him to a school which
focuses more on academic and intellectual training. During the first grading
period my son really did experienced a culture shock, he did a lot of
adjustments to the mode of teaching which is really different from the past
school he attended. Through guidance and encouragement, he was able to get
along with the new learning approach. As the days pass by, he began to enjoy
more studying in this new school, as he once told me that he is no longer a
novice because he can cope up and manage with the method of teaching and gain
friends too.
We parents want our children to have a good education, in order for our kids to get by the study pressure, we need to help them monitor how they prepare and study their lessons. By doing so, progress can be reached.
The Academic Distinction
Award my youngest son garnered this school year is the beginning of his realization
to achieve success in his continuing endeavour to attain academic excellence.
Congratulations Yahmir!
Keep it Up!
congrats yahmir :)