Effective Parental Ways to Control a Computer Savvy Kid

Most of the kids these days are lured to play video games and online games. Most often, some are even willing to skip meals just to eliminate that monstrous creature or get that precious weapon to clear the level. Parents might not be able to understand their language and most of the time they end up raising their hands and say “whatever!”  every time they convince their kiddos to stop and get some sleep.

Being able to raise a computer savvy kid is something to be proud of, but when it becomes addicting thereby compromising their health and their education, then it’s another story. Your kid can no longer improve his potential to other things if right at the very beginning he cannot discern the difference between real and virtual happenings.

Convincing them to go to bed early is one of the most challenging quests, especially during the holidays or during weekends. They would immediately reason out that they don’t have any school homework and sleeping late is just alright. However, once they get used to it, even their school days schedule would be severely compromised. Some will not seriously do their homework or worst, skip classes. 

For parents who aren’t used to using the computer for long periods of time, easily get bored and feel sleepy, but for these kids who have been exposed to exciting computer games and apps, sleep is one of their least priorities. Maybe it’s about time for parents to take control and firmly implement computer curfews. 

There are several computer timers that can be utilized or perhaps some techniques like involving them to do household chores and tagging them along when you go to the grocery, or enroll them to sports clinics of their interest that will not only make them strong physically but will develop their socialization skills too. 

Utilizing the iron fist is definitely not a good idea as it will just create or develop fear and later on can lead to rebellion. Helping them to realize the difference between the virtual and real world by engaging them to real activities which they can find more enjoyment and teaching them the time management can motivate them to make their virtual gaming time to serve only as a form of relaxation and not an obsession.


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