Community Practice: A Modern Branch of Social Work
The task of helping people within a specified
group or demographic area to liberate themselves and to hold their own in a
demanding society is best approached from a community level. Social work is a
long standing profession which has been mainly aimed at empowering the weaker
and more vulnerable members of our society. We live in a capitalist economy
where opportunities are not evenly divided and people must compete to succeed.
The society itself usually creates the very community problems that social work
seeks to address.
Effecting the desired change within a
community requires several modes of guided interventions. These interventions
fall under a new branch in the field of social work - Macro Practice. This
practice deals specifically with the larger social systems interventions which
are essentially a mix of several areas of the social sciences, and are meant to
bring about a positive impact on society. These include economic development,
urban planning, public affairs and nonprofit management.
Community practice involves more than the use
of casework as a tool for addressing large scale problems. The activities
within the practice are largely based on the needs, issues, concerns and
problems that the practitioner identifies during an individual session with his
or her client, but the interventions are designed to go beyond addressing them
as individual issues. Social improvement plans are developed and implemented
through a series of discussions and consultations between small groups,
community organizations and the entire community. This means the practitioner
will be involved at the organizational, community, and policy levels. Social
workers are required to master skills that will enable them to organize people
who have good intentions and desire a change, but lack the necessary
coordination and direction to effect that change.
Basic Principles of Macro Practice
1. Informed Approach - A lack of adequate
time and resources usually pose a threat to the development of quality macro
interventions. In spite of this, the decisions must be based on the use of a
complete set of data and information. The limited time and resources must be
used to the maximum.
2. Consumer Input and Participation - This
may be costly, time consuming and require extra energy, but once the social
worker carefully selects the client the information they receive could help
him/her avoid numerous pitfalls.
3. Critical Thinking - Armed with the problem
statement that was agreed upon, the social worker must ensure that the planned
interventions are really suitable for the problem to be addressed. Designing new
and innovative programs is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of
macro practice.
4. Goal Directedness - The goals represent a
shared vision between the clients and colleagues, and serve to help the social
worker maintain the focus of the whole process/cause.
5. Outcome Orientation - Historically, the
focus of social work was on the process (what the social worker does), but the
interventions of macro practice will be centered on outcomes (the projected
changes by and for the target community).
Social workers who are engaged in community
practice are required to have their Masters in Social Work (MSW) degree as they
will be working directly with people and groups of people to solve micro-level
problems. The different branches of social science that are related to
community practice are integrated into the masters program, thereby creating a
clear picture of community practice for the candidates. A major part of the
program is focused on how to get groups of people involved in making micro level
decisions that serve as a solution to the community's problems.
Kevin Pearson is an independent real estate consultant.
He has been actively involved in many new estate project communities. Visit Reunion to
learn more.
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