Suggested Ways to Foster Family Bonding

Family bonding activities are a great way to develop and keep a strong association and relationship with your children. It allows developing rapport within family members thus strengthening ties and intimacy among them.

But in this time when parents seem to become too absorbed with too much office work, having quality time with their kids sometimes is a hard thing to achieve. What with all the hectic schedules to follow and a lot of deadlines to meet. However, we need to bear in mind that spending time with children while they are young is critical in their development as youth. It is important that parents watch and guide their children as they grow up because it will make them responsible adolescents later. In my opinion, no matter how busy we are, we should find time to spend quality time with our children.

We should not be troubled thinking on how to spend quality time with our family for even simple activities can create a strong tie and connection among family members. Here are suggested Family bonding ways and activities that can form stronger bonds. 

  • Encourage better eating habits by having a family meal together.  Dinner is the time when most family members are present.  Prepare a good meal for the family to enjoy and promote discussions over their day’s activity in school or at work.
  • Create a weekend Family day, where the whole family participates in the activity, either to go see a movie and afterwards dine in a restaurant or cook a barbecue meal at your backyard where  you and your children can play outdoor games and the same time do chores together.
  • Helping your kids with their homework, it does not only allow you to spend time together, but enables you to see what they are learning and how they are doing academically. Most kids boost up their confidence in school when they feel your support.
  • Make your children feel that they are important by incorporating them in the planning process of a scheduled family getaway.
  • Exercise together, like walking, running or biking or swimming.
  • Get involved in your kid’s interest, like their favorite reading book, hobbies, sports or the computer game they play. Your kids can communicate freely with you if they know you are also interested.
  • Be vocal, tell them frequently that you love them and show you also respect their ideas and decisions. Just what I have been repeatedly saying in my previous posts, open the channels of communication, listen and be supportive, even if at times if you do not agree. Allowing them the freedom to talk and be heard will make them feel they can come to you with their problems and discuss their true feelings.
  • Treating your children to a shopping spree once in a while can be a pure delight to them. Although, just make sure you let them know what stuffs they can only buy with the on-hand budget.
  • Teach them how to commune with nature, go camping or travel out of town.

Make your home a place where they long to go to after the day is done. The only place where they feel loved, appreciated, secured and happy.


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