5 Important Safety Features to Look for in a Family Car

Your family car is more than just a vehicle used to get from Point A to Point B. It's where you spend quality time on road trips, a place for your children to take naps, and a portable entertainment system while you're running errands. When you're in the market for a new family car, you'll want to choose an option that is spacious enough to hold your family and yet also fun to drive. Reading comprehensive car reviews with Motoring and similar listings sites can get you pointed in the right direction. Safety should always come first when travelling with children. As you read reviews, be on the lookout for the following safety features.

1. Car Seat Anchors
Child car seats are becoming increasingly technologically advanced to protect your most precious cargo. Yet you'll want to find cars that also match this technology, by offering car seat anchors to secure the seats in place. Although many car seats are designed to work with seat belts in a pinch, secure anchors like those that are part of the LATCH system are more effective in crash testing.

2. Front and Side Air Bags
Numerous air bags and curtains are a must for any family vehicle. Look for cars that have air bags and curtains in the front as well as the side areas of the vehicle. Advanced frontal air bags will help protect front seat passengers by shielding the upper part of the body, while side air bags can protect occupants in side crashes. Head restraints offer a further layer of protection from head and neck injuries.  

3. Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Low tire pressure can be bad news when you're on the road, reducing your car's fuel efficiency and increasing your chances of a collision or flat tire. Many of today's top vehicles come equipped with sensors that monitor your car's tire pressure as you drive, alerting you to a sudden drop that could indicate a problem. 

4. Rear View Camera
Driving with children can be distracting, and with the large size of many family vehicles it can be particularly difficult to see behind you when parking or pulling out of tight spaces. A rear-mounted camera can be just the gadget you need to improve your safety when reversing. If you don't see this type of feature listed when reading a Ford Focus or Mitsubishi Triton review yet everything else about the car seems ideal, keep in mind that you can purchase accessories separately.

5. Electronic Stability Control
This electronic stability system helps keep your car from spinning out of control when in a collision. It is designed to sense when you are about to veer off the road or initiate extreme steering, and helps to stabilize your car to avoid rolling over. This can be a life-saving feature for you and your family!

These are a few of the primary safety features to keep an eye out for when you're reading about today's top family vehicles. You may see additional features that stand out depending on your needs. Always take your car for a test drive to see how comfortable you feel behind the wheel before making a final decision. 

photo credits:  motoring.com.au


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