Next time you jump on a site like Cars4Sale Australia , take a look at just how many car brands are becoming readily available. With so many options available on the modern car market, the sheer scale on which they are manufactured becomes apparent. Companies such as General Motors incorporate many different brands, and have had to create huge factories worldwide to cope with the global demand for new vehicles. Here are three of the world’s mega car factories, capable of production on an unimaginable scale. Ford – Valencia, Spain While not the largest factory in the world, the Valencia plant still makes over 2000 units per week, and contributes to over 8% of the economic output of Valencia. The factory still employs approximately 7000 workers, plus ancillaries, which has been a huge support for the area. This is especially important in the age of automated manufacturing, and such a high employment rate has ensured Ford’s success in Valencia. With over 9 millio...