Tips to Develop Your Child’s Love and Skills For Reading
Parents have a huge
influence on how fast and quickly their children learn to read. Developing a
child’s love and skill for reading is not an easy peasy job. We need to
encourage and help our children to draw their attention, to fascinate them, and
to make them realize the gain and benefits of reading.
Here are some tips to
improve and build up your child's progress in reading.
Be a role model, seeing
you read will inspire and motivate your children to read
Start introducing books
during the toddler stage; pop-up books for a start will instigate their
interest to keep on looking at the book every now and then.
Set time to read to your
children. Children will get enthusiastic
in this activity, hearing the way how you properly pronounce words will
actually help them read better themselves. As you read to each other explore
for new vocabularies.
Lure your kids to read by
surrounding them with a large supply of reading materials such as appealing
books and magazines at their reading level. Put the reading materials around
your house where they often play and stay like the family room, bedroom and even
beside the television and computer.
Show interest for your
child's reading, you may ask him how he is doing with the new book you bought, or
ask him questions about the story he is reading. Remember your reaction will persuade him to
become more interested to read.
Children begin to be
fascinated not only in story books but to other variety of reading materials
most likely at the age of 9 and above.
Children’s magazines, comics, riddles, jokes and more may catch their
attention too.
Reading is an enjoyable activity;
we can influence our kids to become good readers with proper motivation and persuasion
as the key.
My youngest son, a Rick Riordan fan |
One reason why I decided to buy actual books for me and Una. We used to read using e-reader in my phone and tablet. I was horrified that her idea of reading was through those gadgets. I'm so glad that she's still young and that was easily fixed. She loves her books, and I'm getting addicted in buying them. I rather buy books now than buy clothes for me hahaha!