Common Writing Problems… And How to Solve Them

Writing an essay, summary, or article is not an easy thing. Writing is a complex process that involves many facets. Thus, many students struggle with writing. But many places, both on campus and off, offer services to help students with their writing. Find your essay writer on ThePensters. Online locations, such as Scholar Advisor, offer a list of tips for students through a writing guide. They highlight common writing mistakes that people make, and explain how to prevent or fix these errors. 

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One such error is losing track of the purpose of the writing. Sometimes students get so excited with an idea that they forget to stay on topic. Good writers refer back to the assignment outline frequently, and check with their professors if necessary to clarify the requirements.

Sometimes students make the mistake of having grammar as their first (or only) concern. While grammar in an essay is important, it isn’t the first step of writing. Ideas and the organization of these ideas come first. Writing guides, like those listed at Scholar Advisor, will advise students to worry about grammar later in the writing process.

But… students need to remember that grammar and spelling can’t be avoided altogether. Proofreading is important, to show that you put effort into your work. Grammatical errors can detract from writing, or can confuse a person’s meaning.

Not giving enough time to write is another mistake that students sometimes make. Essay writing requires thought and effort, and cannot be completed in a rush.

One of the other major mistakes that writers sometimes make is not planning their writing properly. Organization is key to explaining ideas properly. The flow of information will help the reader understand it. Essay structure varies from field to field, so writing guides should be examined and followed carefully. 

Written by scholar advisor writer Kate Smith



  1. Whenever I write my first consideration is the first sentence and I start to build from there.  I write freely first and just do proofreading and organizing my piece later.

  2. At work, I learned to write under time pressure since there are times when several articles would be due within the day.  Nevertheless, what I learned is the importance of organizing my ideas as I research about a particular topic. Everything else follows when my thoughts are organized. :-)

  3. Writing - a tricky thing to learn, but the practice could be lots of fun.

  4. Oh yes! Sometimes I do stumble writing. I am not really a writer by heart, but blogging as well as reading other people blogs enhances my writing skills. 

  5. This! I should keep this in my mind for I tend to babble on everything I write and not focus on the topic I am writing about. And then there's grammar. Palpak talaga ako sa essay writing.

  6. Students should also be mentally and physically prepared to be able to come up with decent essay. Mistakes are common and writing style can always be improved with proper guidance. 

  7. Hah! My waterloo... I really struggle in writing essays, well I think I do. For me, I think it depends on the topic that I have to write. I find some topics easy to write but others not. I find it hard to organize my thoughts.

  8. I' don't consider myself a good writer but I can make quite interesting and substantial articles. I believe that one should be inspired and motivated to finish an impressive  one.

  9. Very timing! I envy those who can wield the pen and finish a 300-word post in minutes. Such talent!


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