Why is Education Important?

We, Parents commonly say education is the only legacy we can bequeath our children.  We work and strive hard to make both ends meet just to put our children into good schools. We are their first educators; we are responsible to train them the fundamental learning skills by instilling the foundation of good moral character, discipline, values and how to interact with others to prepare them to their formal studies.  

Edification is a fruitful and beneficial factor in a person’s life. By means of learning, one’s capabilities and potential can be harnessed to the fulllest.  It equips us to become a whole person to gain confidence in making crucial decisions, to face what life has to bring, to accept loses, failures and successes. In our family, it is only Yahmir who is still studying, he'll be in first year in junior high school this school year.  My husband, my eldest son and I are graduates of different courses.  JM still will pursue on taking up a masteral degree that could add color and employer attraction to his cv template to achieve his dream of getting a more promising job in the future which I am very happy about.

my diploma

my husband's


It is sad to see street children who never had experience going to school, or had stopped to pursue their studies due to life’s hardships or lose of interest; they are merely not aware that schooling is equally important with our basic needs. As far as I know every person, whether rich or poor should not be deprived of acquiring wisdom to know the world around us, to become more productive in building opinions and wise decisions to achieve better accomplishments.

Education does not stop after graduating, self learning continues for more opportunities and a wider choice of jobs.


  1.  Really fantastic and valuable post, what kind of school and college bring bright future for your little one so follow this  Education Portal

  2. I agree to the last sentence. Education never stops after graduation. There is always room for learning and it is endless :)

  3. It's pathetic that in this country, education has become more of a privilege instead of a right.  It's kids from well-off families who get the better end of the deal.  

  4. tama!! ika nga nila di lang sa klasrum natatapos ang pagsusulit......

  5. If the government had only prioritize the education system in the country and give more funds to improve the facilities and teaching quality, even the poorest will benefit and uplift their lives.. really sad..

    development of knowledge.
    We, as parents have the obligation to bring
    our children to school and give them the best
    education because it serves as their prime avenue 
    to have a brighter future.

  7. It is really sad that not all are given that right, education has become a privilege :( The government has not learned what Rizal  fought for, all they care about is money in their own pockets...it's so sad that where we live is so different as how it is when we were kids...so full of illegal migrants and increase in lawlessness, there are a lot of tanods now but we never had those before...

  8. Education is really important. and I agree, education does not stop after graduation.. actually mas madami pa kong natututunan ngayong graduated na ko :)

  9. For our country to progress, the government needs to step up by investing more in Education. Look at how Finland progressed after deciding that they will make Education a priority. 

  10. super agree! i am so proud that my parents instilled the importance of education to us. and im proud to say that never have i done "kupit" from my parents during enrollment coz i know how they strive so hard for us to finish our studies.

  11. i will always be thankful for my parents for striving so hard for us to finish our studies. instilling to the children the importance of education will help them realize where their future may lead them to.

  12. This explanation on the importance of education. Thanks for sharing overseas education consultants in chennai

  13. well, this is the best explanation i have got regarding why education is so important. Thanks for sharing!!

    Study in Ireland


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