Sabayang Bigkas at Linggo ng Wika Celebration

Every school in the entire Philippine Archipelago annually observes the Linggo ng Wika in the month of August. Different programs are performed and celebrated by the pupils, students and teachers to commemorate the importance of having our national language and to pay respect for Manuel L. Quezon, Father of the Filipino National Language.  

The Filipino Club of my youngest son's school conducted a “Sabayang Bigkas Competition”, and Yahmir was one of the participants among the Grade VI pupils in their entry for the intermediate level.  All the performers wore the Traditional Filipino Costume for their presentation.

The program was simple yet very much organized.  Some parents were there to see their children perform. 

The stage decoration and Yahmir wearing Camisachino, red scarf, with farmer's hat.

the grade VI performance

Yahmir with Mrs. Isiderio, Filipino Club Adviser and his class adviser as well.

posing for photo captures
the grade IV and grade V pupils

The program was divided into two parts. First, the intermediate elementary level and then the high school level. I was not able to watch the program for the high school students for my husband and I need to attend to a client appointment set also on that day.  We immediately left after Yahmir's performance, he was very happy to see us. Saturday next week, we will see to it that we will finish watching their Intramurals. .   


  1. Nice post! Makes me remember when we used to win the Sabayang Pagbigkas during my high school days .
    Sadly, I noticed our Philippine flag wrongly positioned here. The red one should be on the right side when it's in vertical position. :(

  2. oh! i did not notice the wrong position of the Philippine Flag, because i do not know bout it hehe.  thank you for informing me, i'll let the school know about it too :)


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