Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2011 Writing Project

Never have I thought that I would love blogging.  Writing is my passion and being a blogger is another challenge and phase at the prime of my life.  I am happy and proud to take my part in spreading advocacy campaigns in my own little way. To  persuade people to take action, to recommend, to support and to put into writing my challenging or defending ideas that could be of essence to the society.

Blogging gave me the opportunity to enhance my writing skills, to share my stock knowledge and ideas, to express my thoughts and insights to my readers.

I am joining the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2011 Writing Project to gain more friends and to open the door of my blogs for more opportunities in the future.  Thanks to Ms. Janette Toral, who made this writing project possible that seeks in identifying new and emerging blogs who are making an impact to its readers.

I officially started blogging last November 9, 2010.  I created Notepad Corner, a personal blog consists of online chronicles about life experiences and challenges, family, parenting, home and housekeeping tips, travel, interests, business and anything that could be of essence to one’s daily living.

Being a greenapple in the world of blogging, I keep on reading how-to-articles and tutorials to know the ins and outs.  I do blog hopping, joining blogs through Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, joining blogging communities and advertising through social media networks which helped a lot in spreading the existence of my blog.  I am very grateful to my dearest friend Mhel “Blankpixels” Ignacio who did a great job in encouraging me to be a part of the blogosphere.  In the recent page rank updating, my main blog Notepad Corner garnered a Page Rank 2, which inspired me and gave me more self-confidence to continue writing and make blogging a career.

This writing project inspired me to go on, emerge and be an influential blogger!

This writing project will not be possible without the support of sponsors such as Cyber Monday Deals, TRIbeca Private Residences, How To Videos, Palawan Beaches for Sale,Green and Natural Lubes Philippines, Philippine data center, Philippine online shopping, Singapore Jobs, Pinoy Party Food, Apartment for rent, and Best deals tips.

 The following are My Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs Nominees: 
This blog
The food blog shared by siblings Mhel and Ken who inherited their cooking talents from nobody else but their Mom.  I love the way they share, not just their gustatory and culinary adventures, but their own recipes, too, of not-so-common dishes to show people how easy they are to make at home, thus encouraging people to go back to their own kitchen and cook. This blog inspired me to come out with a food blog too.
This is the blog that brightens up my day. The author talks about happy thoughts and memories of their lives.
Because I am a Lipstick lover, I read on this blog to update me on the latest lipstick colors that will suit my luscious lips.
A blog about motherhood. Tips and experiences of a mother of twins.
A blog that delivers simple way on helping our Mother Earth, green ideas and thoughts, offers interesting and current events on eco-living and musings of a mother and wife who wants to live a practical and natural life.
Another blog on motherhood, a chronicle in parenting toddlers, married life, and managing household.
This is one of my favorite single-parenting blog.
The author of this blog always comes up with great ideas and thoughts to share.
My favorite on-line blogging tutorial.  Tutorial instructions are very easy to follow and comprehend.


  1. goodluck mommy Joy, i shall be writing my entry soon + will definitely include you blog in it :)

  2. yehey Ms.Joy is deserve it po..I am smiling because the four of you are included..I am visiting always your sites po and you are one of them that has a very informative site that's why I am always coming back..

    Ms.Joy galing galing po..

    lunch po tayo..pagnagkita tayo ikaw taya ha :)

  3. You deserve to be in the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs, sis. *hugs*
    I'm so proud of you, alam mo ba yun?! I feel like you're my gifted kid. Heheheh.And thanks for including our food blog.  Weeehh!

  4. good luck po sa inyong lahat ^_^

  5. good luck sis!! will do my post na rin.. :D

  6. you so deserve to be in my top ten! thanks for commenting on my entry!

  7. Hola ladies! Thank you very much! bow! hihi

  8. i am also supporting this project of Ms. janette, this is awesome.

  9. good luck, Joy! you really deserve to be one of top influential bloggers :)

  10. I'm done with my entry, too, and you're included in my list. I hope you can come and visit. Thanks!

  11. Hi Joy. I just included your entry in the raffle masterlist. Hope to see you on September 13. Thank you.

  12. Thank you.

    Your blog is very informative.

    SEO Training Delhi


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