Informational Toys for Kids

Children loves to play and it is beneficial to them if they will play on educational toys at an early age for they will learn as they play. We as parents need to know that functional and constructive playing takes a vital part in developing a healthy mind and body.  Informational toys will enhance a natural child’s curiosity, creativeness, and cognitive and logical thinking that will lead him to explore possibilities and learn to test each one.

In these simple playing activities, the child is learning basic problem solving skills while discovering and exploring the colors, numbers, letters, sizes and shapes.  Repetition of playing with these educational toys, the child gains confidence in his abilities which will encourage him to do new things.

Aside that playing is fun, it will also keep him busy while you can finish some of your house chores as well.

Here are suggestions of less- expensive educational toys that you may buy.

Toddler kids
  • Color, number and letter blocks
  • Construction blocks
  • Toy kitchen set
  • Puzzles form boards
  • Stackable blocks

 Preschool Kids
  • Activity boards or tables
  • Nursery Rhyme books with pop-ups
  • Shape and number sorter
  • Coloring Books
  • Edible Clay
  • Puzzles
  • Board games

I usually bring my kids to a bookstore during their preschool years to encourage and get them interested in reading.

More suggestions? Please feel free to write it in the comment form.


  1. As much as I can, I try to get my daughter educational toys such as clay, jigsaw puzzles, and even flash cards.  Since I work at a library, I'm lucky I can borrow these for free :)

  2. wow!
     i am always in the library during my elementary days, because we cannot afford to buy beautiful illustrative books so i just borrow read them in the library instead


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