Table Manners

We can teach our kids the proper table manners in their toddler stage, or by the time they are already eating meals with the family.  Habits are formed early in life.  They control many of our actions.  Such habits will be carried out wherever you are.

Proper Table Manners are as follows:

  • Go promptly to the table clean and neat.
  • Sit properly and wait until served.
  • Ask politely for things on the table to be passed. “Please pass the rice or May I have some”
  • Use the table napkin properly.
  • Say grace before and after eating.
  • Talk of pleasant topics while at the table.
  • Father being the head of the family is at the head of the table.
  • Keep elbows off the table.
  • Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly without smacking the lips.
  • Rinse the mouth or brush your teeth after having left the table.
  • We should pick our teeth after having left the table.
  • Leave the table after everybody is through.  If you have to leave the table before everyone is through, ask to be excused.
  • We should not leave the table with food in our mouth.
  • Take only the amount of food you can consume.
Behaving properly at mealtimes shows we know the rules at the table.  Whether we are in a formal dinner or dining in a corner store, simple consideration for others and your self-respect will make for a good table manner J


  1. another good tips from mommy joy

    happy blogging...

  2. Great info! Ano yung diamond peel? :)

  3. following you now from

  4. Air, thank you hihi

    Carlota, thanks for following me too! Diamond peel is a process of facial skin peeling using a diamond that will scrape the skin to give it a fresh new look, i am still thinking if i will undergo it or not, for definitely i will shed a tear because they say that its painful aside from the fact that its pricey! hehe

  5. DP is not painful as you think it is healthy actually to undergo diamond peel to reveal younger skin and to take out old skin

  6. thanks for following mommy! following you back from WBFC and visiting through TBE.

    Thanks for the tips mommy joy!

  7. I agree! Once they learned the table manners at an early age, it'll become a good habit and later, a hard habit to break. :)

  8. following you now from

  9. Air, thank you hihi

    Carlota, thanks for following me too! Diamond peel is a process of facial skin peeling using a diamond that will scrape the skin to give it a fresh new look, i am still thinking if i will undergo it or not, for definitely i will shed a tear because they say that its painful aside from the fact that its pricey! hehe


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