
Being a family of collectors, here is a continuation to my previous article about My Son’s Collection.   In this writing I will reveal my collections and my husband’s passion for collecting stuffs.
complete set of Harry Potter Series

Lord of the Rings, Dan Brown's, Robin Cook's, John Grisham's, etc.

over 200 Star Wars books

 some of Yahmir's book collection

I am a book-lover.  I am fond of reading fiction, non-fiction, thriller, suspense, fantasy and other topics that catch my interest.  These books that I am buying and reading does not just stay in the bookshelves after I am done reading, for my husband and my sons are reading it too.  Seldom that I buy new or firsthand books, usually I buy them on book-sale or second hand book outlets,  except for the Harry Potter Series, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Dan Brown’s collection.  

I also have this craze in collecting gadgets, from pagers to pda and cell phones.  At the moment, I am saving to buy an e-book reader, for my e-book collections be organized.
pagers, cellphones and a pda

I love to sew too, cross stitching became a hobby years ago, but due to hectic schedule I stopped doing it for a while but will get back to it again soon.
cross-stitched horses running 

cross-stitched piggies

My husband is a piggy figurine collector.  These figurines he gathered over the years came from different places here and abroad.  Some of them were given as gifts.

Ostrich eggs are the largest eggs laid by any living bird, till date.  The shell of the ostrich egg is strong, and is 0.06 inches thick.  On an average, the weight of an ostrich egg is close to 1 kg.  They are approximately 6-7 inches in length and 15-18 inches around.  Aside from the its size, we collect them for it is said that Ostrich eggs usher in good luck.
ostrich eggs


  1. I love crosstitching too.I actually have two that decorate our house here.
    I have the complete book of Harry Potter in hard cover but never read it, I bought it for the sake of collecting it, although I love reading but Witchcraft topic is not my cup of tea. :)

    Visiting thru The Bloggers Exchange.Thanks!

  2. Wow! I love to see your cross stitched works :)

    I already had updated the links in my Bloggers Exchange post :), i'll be hopping into the blogsites this week too, whoa! we're getting bigger and bigger :)

    Congratulations Willa!

  3. wow ,find myself lucky to have your beautiful blog ,pretty theme and posts are lovely ,books and toys collection is my favorite too,
    thanks for sharing such life.have a lovely life dear

  4. try to put some watermarks on your photo,

    how can I join you guys on blogger exchange can't find the form

  5. hello baili, nice to see you again :)
    i am very thankful that you enjoyed reading my blogs, pls. come again :)

  6. hi Air, oh you're back hihi

    i do not know how to put water marks in my photos, pls. teach me how ha hihi

    The Bloggers Exchange is closed for two weeks only sis, you can visit the site again then

    pls. check your fb inbox, i've sent you a pm :)

  7. hi Dan! thanks and glad to see you!

    keep coming back :)

  8. Hey Joy, thanks for dropping by my site! Btw, in my case I love collecting Charles Dickens' books!

  9. Ahryz, my pleasure to visit your site :)

    I have read one of his novels, which is the Adventures of Oliver Twist :)

    hope you'll find time to drop by again here

  10. We love books as well, nice collection.

    Visiting & following you via WBFC. :)


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