A Child’s Battle

To bear a child is the most precious heavenly gift a woman can receive.  Incomparable and unparalled  sense of happiness overwhelms the heart of a mother.  To love, to care, to see them grow and to cherish every moment with our kids are immeasurable deeds of a parent.

This writing is warmly dedicated to a boy who’s turning 3 years old this February 14.  Meet Austin Nathaniel Serrano, born February 14, 2008, the only son of Carlos Serrano and my friend Christine Pham, who’s diagnosed with Advanced Stage of Bilateral Retinoblastoma Stage D - R eye with vitreous seeding and stage E - L eye with a detached retina on  August 25, 2009.

Yes, Austin is fighting and struggling for his life from this cancer disease.  He cannot see a thing anymore at the moment.  Being a mother, my heart seem to torn apart the moment I learned about Austin’s condition.  I cannot help myself crying while reading my friend’s journal in Austin’s website.  This bumpy journey that their family goes through is never easy, and such a tremendous experience   I couldn’t  help my friend financially to support him,  I can only give them my moral support and prayers.  Through this article, I am knocking at the hearts of my readers and fellow bloggers for Austin’s  crusade.

“I am a 42 years old mother with a handsome son that was diagnosed of Bilateral Retinoblastoma on August 25, 2009. Our world has been turn upside down for the past year, yet I am determined to help my Austin beat this vicious beast.

Regardless of the outcome and what with we been through, Austin have and will continues to be everything that he can be just like anyone else. I am here to support him everyday if he need me. I cannot imagine life without this beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent, and of course mischievous 2 years boy. “ –   Christine Pham
Carlos and Christine

To you my friend Christine, keep up the strong faith, never cease believing in Him.  Be strong, Austin needs you now more than ever.  I am always here for you.

My sincerest compassion and prayers for Austin to surpass his combat with cancer and for his full recovery.  May God bless you always son.  I am looking forward to meet you someday.

 If you want to know more about Austin, please visit http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/austinnathanielserrano


  1. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to go through this. It's not meant to be this way. Kids are meant to enjoy their childhood and not go through anything even remotely close to what Austin is going through.

    I'm with you and his family in prayer for his health and recovery. I believe in miracles and strong prayers can help make that happen. God is listening.

  2. Happy Birthday Austin! My prayers for your speedy recovery

  3. He is one lucky boy because GOD gave him a compassionate parents full of love for him.

  4. Your post touched my heart and as a mom I can also imagine how hard it must be.

    My prayers are with him..

  5. Praying for your soonest recovery Austin.

  6. Thank you everyone for leaving such a nice and compassionate note for my son Austin.

    He will needs a lot of prayers in his journey to recovery.


    Christine, Carlos & Austin Serrano

  7. my prayers are with you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  8. Hi mommy joy! my prayers are with the family! God works in wonderful and mysterious ways that we can never fathom! visiting you here via TBE! have a nice day!

    Pink Memoirs
    Hands Full of Life
    These and Those

  9. I am In love with kids, I want to work with them after I graduate but only want to go to a community collage, and go for like 2 years top. Something that doesn't involve alot of schooling and that's a easy career that has to do with kids everyday.


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