A personal blog to share with you my life experiences, challenges, travel, family, parenting, food, home improvement tips, education, career, business, shopping and anything that could be of essence to one’s daily living.
Another feather on my cap, as my gray hair is again ready to sprout, lol. Another year for added life experiences, wisdom and knowledge as I celebrate my natal day.
This is my best time and opportunity to thank all the people who are always there to love and bear with me, through good and bad times, in sickness and in health, in rich and in poor. To my loving husband and children, my dear Mom, Dad and siblings, my relatives and friends who stayed with me all through 46 years of my life, actually it was not the years in my life that count. It's the life in my years which matter most. My greatest appreciation and gratitude for your unending love, care and support. I am what I am today because I have you who believed in me.
So without further ado, I am very delighted to throw a birthday treat. This is my way to celebrate this special day with you. Seven Mini-home giveaways are awaiting seven lucky winners.
Notepad Corner's Birthday blow-out #1 - A Rice Cooker
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blow-out #2 - Electric Blender
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blowout #3 - Thermal Pot
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blow-out #4 - Productive Pinoy Book and Thomas Kinkade Puzzle
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blow-out #5 bath and laundry Essentials
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blow-out #6 - Lock and Lock Products
Notepad Corner's Birthday Blow-out #7 - HeartStrings Bag
Only 14 mandatory tasks are given with an easy peasy instructions for an easy win. Giveaway will start on the eve of my birthday, January 3, 2012 and will go on until January 31, 2012. Come January 3, don't hesitate to get back Start clicking and have the chance to win one of the prizes above. Best of luck!
Note: This giveaway is for Philippine Residents only.
Happy birthday mam joy and Happy new year to you and your family, as soon as this contest is up I'm gonna be the first to enter my entry. Baka kasi may prize ang early bird ehehehe
Happy Birthday sis ! i will surely join this fabulous contest .Will make a blog post about this .Thank you for being my friend although we haven't met yet in person.God Bless you and yuor family.
name: vix parungao email address: vixdotparungaoatgmaildotcom Facebook name: vix parungao Shared Facebook URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/vix.parungao/posts/203992479690893 Twitter name: @vixquips will be back with my twitter url later as twitter's gone wonky again ^_^
thanks for this giveaway mommy + Happy birthday! ^_^
Name : Jimmy Galang Email : jimmy23galang@ymai l.com FB Post : https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.23galang/posts/269995173064263 Twitter name : @TotiGalang Twitter Post : https://twitter.com/#!/TotiGalang/status/154055159998193666
name: Maricel Tan email address: leciram071407@hotmail.com
Facebook name: Maricel Tan Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/leciram.nat/posts/296285943751587 Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/leciram071407/status/154092159157547008
name: NIng Buning email address: forgptning (at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook name: Ning Buning Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/forgptning/posts/318705548163932 Twitter name: Ning4u Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Ning4u/status/154101675592916993
wow! such a generous giveaway Miss Joy! I will not join because I'm out of the country and besides, it's not easy to send packages here in israel. hehe.. goodluck to the winners.
Happy birthday. Another chapter in your life is added. And giving away something is your own way of celebrating your special day. It sounds good and inviting for there are 7 wonderful birthday prizes are waiting to be given away!
name: Lovely Joy Merced email address: bundlesofjoy@rocketmail.com Facebook name: Joy Merced Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/220608288021622 Twitter name: joyluck_614 Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Joyluck_614/status/154218371838263298
name: jenifer balatico email address: jeniferbalatico@rocketmail.com Facebook name: jenifer santander balatico Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/jhenztine.com.ph/posts/221984381214822 Twitter name: itsme_JHENZtine Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/itsme_JHENZtine/status/154230467732844544
name: Joel Baluyot email address: akosijoeyboy (at) gmail (dot) com Facebook name: Joel Baluyot Shared Facebook post URL:http://www.facebook.com/joelsbaluyot/posts/356667291014705 Twitter name: joeyboy0820 Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/Joeyboy0820/status/154254038765010944
Happy Birthday Mommy Joy! May you have many birthdays to come! :)
Name:Christian Melanie Lee Email address: lee.christianmelanie@gmail.com Facebook name: Christian Melanie Lee Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/leechristianmelanie.sobeeching/posts/252428731489971 Twitter name: eccentricmelai Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/eccentricmelai/status/154384370994647040
name :Jill Irish tamayo email address: ishirhei08@gmail.com Facebook name: irish tamayo Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122723444513633&id=100003296083795
name - Ma. Jemimah Alvarado email address - jemimahonline(at)gmail(dot)com Facebook name - Ma. Jemimah Alvarado Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway - http://www.facebook.com/supermommmyjem/posts/226725520738236 Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway - http://twitter.com/#!/esupermommy/status/154391653216563201
Happy Birthday, mommy Joy! Joining: name : Mai Songalia email address: maithreeboyz(at)yahoo(dot)com Facebook name: Mai Songalia Shared Facebook post URL:https://www.facebook.com/mai.songalia/posts/352749724740942 Twitter name:mai3boys Tweet post URL:https://twitter.com/#!/mai3boys/status/154445296959619072
Happy happy birthday Joy! :) I hope, more than white hair and feathers on your cap, an additional year has given you a whole lotta wisdom that you will be sharing in your blog.
Happy birthday po. God bless you and your family. Here are my details: name: Arlyn Heidi Basada email address: ahbasada(at)gmail(.)com Facebook name: Arlyn Heidi Basada Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/arlynheidi/posts/354779947871745 Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/arlynheidi/status/154485072345571329
name: Ma. Elinor Semira email address: elinorsemira0124(at)gmail(dot)com Facebook name: Elinor Semira Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/elinor.semira/posts/251307541605546 Twitter name: @mhoie1325 Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/mhoie1325/status/154508775322157057
Joseph Paulo S de Leon promking at kampeonngpagibig.com facebook.com/promking https://www.facebook.com/promking/posts/10150578876655871 twitter.com/pepideleon https://twitter.com/#!/pepideleon/status/154520256939958272
name John Michell email address tic_tac_toe1616@yahoo .com Facebook name John Michell Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170151826418059&id=100002323830915 Twitter name jmlangpo Tweet post URL about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/jmlangpo/status/154301959845838848
NAME : erica yu-bonifacio facebook name : cai bonifacio https://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/ericayub twitter name : https://twitter.com/#!/stuckwithErica blogsite: http://stuckwith3.blogspot.com/
name: Joan Macawiliemail address: kitten.macawili(at)gmail(dot)com Facebook name: Joan Macawili Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/kitten.macawili/posts/293605790690086 Twitter name: meeeow18 Tweet post URL about this giveaway:https://twitter.com/#!/meeeow18/status/154782768235155456
name Aprilmae Ester Toemail address aprilmae.ester@gmail .comFacebook name Aester ToShared Facebook post http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=292000574185836&id=100003335802318Twitter name zzzbutterflies Tweet post https://twitter.com/#!/zzzbutterflies/status/155188342659620864
name : Vera Paola Reyesemail address : paopaolar@gmail.com Facebook name : Teen Craze Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway : http://www.facebook.com/teencrazeblog/posts/204049399687473 Twitter name : @verapao Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/verapao/status/155219900984598528
name: theresa montino email address: theresamontino(at)gmail(dot)com Facebook name: theresa montino Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/jayresa/posts/306252152751255 Twitter name: theresa montino Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/jayresa03/status/155263571285127168
name: Reina Valienteemail address reina_v77@hotmail.com Facebook name: Rein Drops Shared Fhotmail cebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170370869729259&id=100000211561868 Twitter name: r6inDrops Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/r6inDrops/status/155289886746882048
May Castro nshimaservings@gmail.com Facebook name: May Castro Shared Facebook post URL: https://www.facebook.com/mayvcastro/posts/217422905008358 Twitter name: @MayCastro Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/MayCastro/status/155299424367689728
Belated Happy Bday sisI am joining count me inCielo Pagcaliwaganbrownpinay(at)gmail.comFB: Amor Cielo Brown PinayLink: https://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/mariaamorcielo/posts/304638382911157Twitter: @brownpinayLink: https://twitter.com/#!/brownpinay/status/155317755204214784
Mary Jane Francisco nik1113@yahoo.com FB NAME:Mary Jane Francisco FB URL:http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=221303497952284&id=100003146035341 TWITTER NAME:@nik_mjf TWEET URL:https://twitter.com/#!/nik_mjf/status/155563094460993536
Name: brenda tendeemail address: brendatende . .comFB name: Brenda Espinas Tendefb post url: http://www.facebook.com/btende twitter name: brendatende tweet post url about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/BrendaTende
Happy Birthday! I hope your day was great, filled with love and joy. name: redamethyst email address: red.amethyst.mrm@gmail.com Facebook name: marose castillo Shared Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryrose.castillo/posts/146827305429952 Twitter name: redAquarian Tweet post URL about this giveaway :https://twitter.com/#!/redAquarian/status/155934923805573120
Sis Joy, I've just joined your giveaway. Based on the overflowing comments, I can just bet it's a success. Congratulations! And happy birthday, too! Hope you have many more years ahead, years filled with love, wealth and health.
Name: Maricel Rivera Email: careermomonthenet@gmail.com Facebook Name: Maricel Alfonso-Rivera Shared FB URL: Sorry don't know how to get that, but I did share the giveaway on FB Twitter Name: careermomonline Twitter Post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/CareerMomOnline/status/155949065853599744
name: Danilo Biadog Jr. email address: d_biadog08@yahoo.com Facebook name:Danilo Biadog Jr. Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=357275047621682&id=1627255157 Twitter name: fft6jq Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/fft6jq/status/156365590582411264
name: Mariellen Cruz email address: elle.cruz2010@gmail.com Facebook name: Mariellen Cruz Shared Faceboook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=111717342281872&id=100001153771123 Twitter name: chewybubbles Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/chewybubbles/status/156649609547091969
name: michelle mae gomez email address: iamprincessjanggmail .com Facebook name: Go Min Hee Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/go.minhee/posts/306077386100007 Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/iamprincessjang/status/156666335793922048
name: jeffrey john imutan email address: jeffreyimutan[at]yahoo[dot]com Facebook name: https://www.facebook.com/jimutan Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/jimutan/posts/291011707613886 Twitter name iamjimutan Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/iamjimutan/status/156865871095140353
name: Raymond T. Cubeta email address: raymondtcubeta@gmail.com Facebook name: Raymond T. Cubeta Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/chingzky/posts/252975778106725 Twitter name: @20086649 Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/20086649/status/156865695127306240
name: Rommel R. Marcos email address: rrmmarcos@gmail.com Twitter name rrm_marcos Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/rrm_marcos/status/156969327906664448
name: Michael Vincent baldonado Email: vincent4u_smt@yahoo.com FB name: Vince Baldonado FB Link : http://www.facebook.com/mvbaldonado/posts/168101373296203 Twitter name: Michael vincent Twitter link: https://twitter.com/#!/iam_vin05/status/157636523221725184
name agnes espinoemail address agnesneriaespino@yahoo.com Facebook name agnes neria-espino Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway https://www.facebook.com/agnes.neriaespino/posts/361509970532003 Twitter name agnes espino Tweet post URL about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/agnesespino/status/158572599926984706
Ayan! Now lang ako natapos sa pagfollow ng lahat ng instructions pero naggreet ako sayo nung birthday mo :) name: Ellen Joy Cayaba email address: ejcayabagmail .com Facebook name: Vince Ellen Joy Cayaba FB post: http://www.facebook.com/ejoycc/posts/102943636494788 Twitter name: ellenjoycastel Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/#!/ellenjoycastel/status/158993828806791169 crossing my fingers XX
name: Donna Maye Dimaano email: donnadimaano09@yahoo .com.ph facebook name: Donna Maye Dimaano Shared Facebook post URL: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=121286847992077&id=1504291493 twitter name:@dunamicte twitter post url: https://twitter.com/#!/dunamicute/status/160612783673720832
name: Christine SDemail address: tinsandiego at gmail dot com Facebook name: Chitin Diego Shared Facebook post URL: http://www.facebook.com/chitindiego/posts/217186138372189 Twitter name: @LifesCheap Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/LifesCheap/status/161411945663184896
Name: Emma Merin Email address: emma.merin@yahoo.com Facebook name: Emma Merin Shared Facebook post URL: http://www.facebook.com/emmamerin/posts/178696325571127 Twitter name: Emma Merin Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/EmmaMerin/status/161623271954067456
name: clintandrew mamuriemail address: xoxclint@gmail.com Facebook name: clint andrew Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/ClintAndrewHayanMamuri/posts/271187106281526 Twitter name: ohohclint Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/ohohclint/status/162478381609402368
name : Donna Jane Marcuap email address : d.marcuap@yahoo .com Facebook name : Donna Jane Marcuap Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway http://www.facebook.com/midonnablossoms/posts/256935221042417 Twitter name: Donna Jane Marcuap Tweet post URL about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/mi_donnablossom/status/162506303678328833
name - joanne gonzales email address - jongskie721(at)gmail.com Facebook name - joannegarcesgonzales Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway - https://www.facebook.com/jongskie721/posts/162982647144922 Twitter name - zoan721 Tweet post URL about this giveaway - https://twitter.com/#!/zoan721/status/162830569737158656
I am joining this contest sis:) thanks for the chance ehehe
name: kaye mendez email address: kaye{at}wahmaholic{dot}com Facebook name: WAHMaholic Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/wahmaholic/posts/223956724358200 Twitter name: WAHMaholic Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/WAHMaholic/status/163138431571066880
name: Allan Reyes email address: allanoreyes@gmail.com Facebook name: Allan Reyes Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/allanoreyes Twitter name: allanoreyes Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/allanoreyes
name: Elizabeth Aquino email address: supersocialwahm@gmail.com Facebook name: Super Social W-A-H-M Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Super-Social-W-A-H-M/240725419321945 Twitter name: SuperSocialWAHM Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/SuperSocialWAHM
Living in Phoenix, Arizona, presents unique challenges due to its desert climate, especially when it comes to maintaining your apartment in the sweltering heat. The city’s high temperatures can affect various aspects of your apartment living. From keeping cool to ensuring your appliances run efficiently, there are several maintenance tips that can help you beat the heat and enjoy a comfortable home. Here’s a comprehensive guide to apartment maintenance for Phoenix residents. 1. Keep Your Cooling System Efficient Regular AC Maintenance In Phoenix, your air conditioner is your best friend. Ensure it's serviced regularly, ideally before the onset of summer. Regular maintenance includes cleaning or replacing air filters, checking refrigerant levels, and ensuring the thermostat is working correctly. Optimize Air Circulation Use ceiling fans to improve air circulation in your apartment. Fans help in distributing cool air more evenly and can make a room feel several degrees cooler. 2. Man...
Little organisms known as pests may reside in your house. They can seriously harm your property and spread illness. You must utilize natural home pest control solutions or expert pest control services to get rid of these pests. Why home pest control solutions are needed? Pests are a bothersome and frequent issue in homes. Health issues can be caused by pests. Property can be harmed by pests. Pets, children, and the elderly can be endangered by pests. What are some typical pest species? Any animal that has the potential to harm or ruin property, crops, or food supply is considered a pest. There are many different types of pests, including ants, cockroaches, rodents (like mice and rats), spiders, termites, and, other insects. Some pests are more common in certain regions; others tend to be more prevalent during certain seasons or climates. How to use natural home remedies to get rid of pests? There are many different ways to get rid of pests in your home. The m...
When decorating a girl's bedroom, it's important to choose modern and chic ideas that match her personality and create a precious environment for her to grow up in. Luckily, creating such a room is easier than you might think. By incorporating the right color scheme, furniture layout, and decor items, you can design a space that's perfect for your little girl. Here are a few tips and tricks on bedroom decorating ideas for girls. Start with a theme. Begin with deciding the theme she likes best. Once you've chosen the theme, it'll be easier to make decisions about furniture pieces and decorative accents. Choose the right color. Consider the color scheme carefully. Choose colors that aren't too feminine or too masculine. Options like pink, purple, green, or blue will work well. Use curtains, furniture, and lighting to create a comfortable atmosphere. Curtains can make the room more attractive and cozier. Choosing soft colors and adding accessorie...
Happy birthday mam joy and Happy new year to you and your family, as soon as this contest is up I'm gonna be the first to enter my entry. Baka kasi may prize ang early bird ehehehe
ReplyDeleteAdvance Happy Birthday, Ms. Joy ^_^
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! ^_^
Woohoo! It's almost your birthday! Congratulations again sis and I'm excited about this giveaway. I'll help you spread the word. ^_^
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, sis Joy! Hope you have many more years ahead!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday sis ! i will surely join this fabulous contest .Will make a blog post about this .Thank you for being my friend although we haven't met yet in person.God Bless you and yuor family.
ReplyDeletewoot woot!! excited! :D
ReplyDeleteI like this! :D Joining this when it starts! :)
ReplyDeletewill join.. :D
ReplyDeleteWow! Ang bongga ng prizes! I will surely join your contest Mommy Joy! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! :)
weeeeee..Happy Happy birthday po Ms.Joy and happy new year po *hugs* ;)
ReplyDeleteI want the Productive Pinoy Book! I will join. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year po from www.okraypinay.com
I will join in this :))
ReplyDeleteAdvance happy Birthday po ..
More and more blessings to come !!
God Bless
yay! I'll join this.. heartstring bag fanatic ako..
ReplyDeletename: vix parungao
ReplyDeleteemail address: vixdotparungaoatgmaildotcom
Facebook name: vix parungao
Shared Facebook URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/vix.parungao/posts/203992479690893
Twitter name: @vixquips
will be back with my twitter url later as twitter's gone wonky again ^_^
thanks for this giveaway mommy + Happy birthday! ^_^
sis, paki balikan din yun G+ circles ha please, thanks :)
ReplyDeletename: bambie navarro
ReplyDeleteemail address: bambie@bambiesturf.com
Facebook name: bambie navarro
Shared Facebook URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/crazyoverpurple/posts/248461035223872
Twitter name: crazyoverpurple
Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/#!/crazyoverpurple/status/153973915952218112
wow! daming prize, happy birthday at happy new year :)
ReplyDeleteName: airine
ReplyDeleteEmail: airkulet(at)yahoo(dot)com
FB Name: Chrisair Martinez Abenes
FB post: http://www.facebook.com/airinea/posts/262295493834948
Twitter post: http://twitter.com/#!/airkulet/status/154027887949922304
cecile cinco
ReplyDeletececile_cinco@yahoo .com
cecile cinco ghosty writery
c5 @ http://battlingasthma.info
name: liv reyes
ReplyDeleteemail: bloggiveaways @lcoreph .com
facebook: liv reyes
facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/tinkerputt/posts/104307976357087
twitter: BlogCGiveaways
twitter url: https://twitter.com/#!/BlogCGiveaways/status/154035844729159680
Name : Mitch Carvalho
ReplyDeleteEmail: mitchteryosa{at}gmail{dot}com
FB Name: Mitch Carvalho
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/mitchteryosa/posts/301201353248517
Twitter: mitchteryosa
Twitter Post: https://twitter.com/#!/mitchteryosa/status/154046439461355520
name: Ning Magcauaus
ReplyDeleteemail address: manilenyatv@gmail.com
Facebook name: Ning Magcauaus
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/manilenyatv/status/154052816464392192
Twitter name: manilenyatv
Name : Jimmy Galang
ReplyDeleteEmail : jimmy23galang@ymai l.com
FB Post : https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.23galang/posts/269995173064263
Twitter name : @TotiGalang
Twitter Post : https://twitter.com/#!/TotiGalang/status/154055159998193666
email address: crystalcruz1986@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name:Crystal Cruz
Shared Facebook URL about this giveaway:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=254507434615773&id=100000162410368
Twitter name: @crystahal
Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/#!/crystahal/status/154065440916779009
ayos to ah. Happy Birthday! love the draw and wishes you all the best.
ReplyDeleteHAppy Birthday Maam Joy.More Blessings to celebrate:0)
ReplyDeleteName : Sionee Orio
ReplyDeleteEmail: sionee@kindlehearts.com
FB Name: Sionee Del Monte Orio
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/mykindlehearts
Twitter: @kindlehearts
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/#!/KindleHearts
Happy birthday Ms. Joy! Won't join muna. Next time na lang :) Thank you!!! :D
ReplyDeletename: Maricel Tan
ReplyDeleteemail address: leciram071407@hotmail.com
Facebook name: Maricel Tan
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/leciram.nat/posts/296285943751587
Twitter name
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/leciram071407/status/154092159157547008
Good luck to your contestant! WOuld love to join but I'm not a resident of the Philippines. :( All the best to you and your blog. Happy 2012.
ReplyDeletekoreandoll | miss angel
Wishing you all the great things in life! and thanks for this birthday bash giveaways you share that makes you happiest. Happy birthday Ms Joy!
ReplyDeletename: NIng Buning
ReplyDeleteemail address: forgptning (at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook name: Ning Buning
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway:
Twitter name: Ning4u
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:
Name: Noks Sosa
ReplyDeleteeadd: siningfactory@yahoo.com
Shared at FB: http://www.facebook.com/#!/noksosa
Twitter Name: Sining Factory
Shared at Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SiningFactory/status/154103841699274752
Name: Mrs. Kolca Email: jingkegalicha.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook: Mrs.Kolca
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/MrsKolca/posts/153387681437548
Twitter: Mrs. Kolca
Twitter post: http://twitter.com/#!/MrsKolca/status/15410179083141529621
Hello sis! Thanks for this fab giveaway. Please enter me. Hope to win!! :))
joining too
ReplyDeleteName: stacy lyn liongFacebook: Mrs.KolcaTwitter: @crumypblog
gagay dinampo
ReplyDeletegagay (at) gagaymd (dot) com
gagay dinampo
Happy Birthday Mommy Joy! God Bless and hoping to grab 1 of your prizes!
name: Ricalyn Sicad
ReplyDeleteemail: ricalynsicad (at) yahoo (dot)com
twitter name:rsicad
twitter post:https://twitter.com/#!/rsicad/status/154119025746657280
facebook name: RiCalyn Sicad
facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/ricalynsicad/posts/104639759656253
awesome giveaway!happy new year!:D
Name : Renz Paul Alexis Dagoyo
ReplyDeleteEmail: renz_dagoyo@yahoo.com
FB Name: Renz Paul Dagoyo
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/BeyondRPAD
Twitter: @kindlehearts
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/#!/RPADagoyo
name: Maureen Diaz
ReplyDeletee-add: animerulez_ryoma@yahoo.com
fb name: Mau Diaz
fb post: http://www.facebook.com/maudiaz3173/posts/2578775866135
twitter name: mau diaz
twitter post: http://twitter.com/#!/emina3173
happy birthday po... best of luck to all... kakatuwa naman... daming giveaways... madami din pong blessings... Yahweh bless.
ReplyDeleteAng bongga ng prizes! maka-join nga jan hehe
ReplyDeletewow! such a generous giveaway Miss Joy! I will not join because I'm out of the country and besides, it's not easy to send packages here in israel. hehe.. goodluck to the winners.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! Lots of giveaways! I hope to reach a level of success like yours where I can have these giveaways. Happy Birthday! :-)
ReplyDeleteHi po! is it mandatory for my entry to be valid on answering all those needed? Wala kasi po ako Google Plus... thanks!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday. Another chapter in your life is added. And giving away something is your own way of celebrating your special day. It sounds good and inviting for there are 7 wonderful birthday prizes are waiting to be given away!
ReplyDeleteName: Rosette Jill Omana
ReplyDeleteEmail: vincseth02500(at)yahoo(dot)com
FB name: Seth Omana
FB Share:http://www.facebook.com/seth.omana/posts/164453910328446
Twitter name: sethjill
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/sethjill/status/154174876138225664
Great giveaway Mommy Joy! I'm joining! :)
ReplyDeletename: Dhadha Garcia
email address: dhadha{at}i-heart-contest{dot}com
facebook name: dhadha garcia
facebook post url: http://www.facebook.com/IHCbyDHA/posts/245201792216670
twitter name: @iheartcontest
tweet post url: http://twitter.com/#!/iheartcontest/status/154163621772013568
name: Diana Beatima
ReplyDeleteEmail: diana_beatima (at)yahoo(dot)com
FB name: Diana Advincula Beatima
Fb post: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000165724791
Twitter name: dianne27
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/dianne027
Sheryl ApuhinFB Name: Sheng LOtilla Apuhin
ReplyDeleteEmail: she_apuhin at yahoo dot com
FB share URL :https://www.facebook.com/ms.singlemama/posts/2744484625430
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/#!/itsMeShengkay/status/154201397917786112
name: Lovely Joy Merced
ReplyDeleteemail address: bundlesofjoy@rocketmail.com
Facebook name: Joy Merced
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/220608288021622
Twitter name: joyluck_614
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Joyluck_614/status/154218371838263298
name: jenifer balatico email address: jeniferbalatico@rocketmail.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: jenifer santander balatico
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/jhenztine.com.ph/posts/221984381214822
Twitter name: itsme_JHENZtine
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/itsme_JHENZtine/status/154230467732844544
Joined po, Mommy Joy. Taking my chances here. :)
ReplyDeleteName: Joahna Vern Filoteo
email address: joey_081983(at)yahoo(dot)com
facebook name: Joahna Vern Filoteo
facebook post url: http://www.facebook.com/joahnavern/posts/10150493054724528
twitter name: @joahnavern
tweet post url: https://twitter.com/#!/joahnavern/status/154234903121248261
Thanks po! ;) happy birthday!
i'm a Phil resident but currently not residing in the Phils, pwede ba un?
ReplyDeleteThis is the part i love "Note: This giveaway is for Philippine Residents only." lolz
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Birthday mamiJoy, God Bless you more and more and more to be a blessing to more and more and more of us. :)
how great thou art
- FranCis
nyak nyak nyak from Qatar with Love!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! :)
i forgot to even greet you.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday and i declare good health and prosperity in your every area of your life!
name: Joel Baluyot
ReplyDeleteemail address: akosijoeyboy (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook name: Joel Baluyot
Shared Facebook post URL:http://www.facebook.com/joelsbaluyot/posts/356667291014705
Twitter name: joeyboy0820
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/Joeyboy0820/status/154254038765010944
done with G+ mommy + here is the link to my twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/vixquips/status/153948167786860544
ReplyDeletethanks ^_^
Happy Birthday and what a way to celebrate your birthday too
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, sis! All the best!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Joy! Great giveaway..sana isa ako sa manalo..LOL!
ReplyDeleteName: Peachy Adarne
e-mail address: peacnyadarne(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook name: Peachy Valderrama Adarne
Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/peachy.adarne/posts/327105310643291
Twitter name: peachkisses
Tweet post: https://twitter.com/#!/peachkisses/status/154352676400922624
happy happy birthday! sarap naman nun, birthday contest... ;-) may you have more rewards to come your way...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Mommy Joy! May you have many birthdays to come! :)
ReplyDeleteName:Christian Melanie Lee
Email address: lee.christianmelanie@gmail.com
Facebook name: Christian Melanie Lee
Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/leechristianmelanie.sobeeching/posts/252428731489971
Twitter name: eccentricmelai
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/eccentricmelai/status/154384370994647040
ReplyDelete:Jill Irish tamayo
email address: ishirhei08@gmail.com
Facebook name: irish tamayo
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway
: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122723444513633&id=100003296083795
Happy Birthday, Joy!
ReplyDeletejoined mommy Joy! Happy Birthday to you!
ReplyDeleteooppppsss... i forgot:
ReplyDeleteName: Pinx Labado
email: hazel_labado(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook name: Pinx Labado
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/pinx.labado/posts/10150469982201921
twitter: @pinxlabado
twitter post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/pinxlabado/status/154389437097320449
name - Ma. Jemimah Alvarado
ReplyDeleteemail address - jemimahonline(at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook name - Ma. Jemimah Alvarado
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway - http://www.facebook.com/supermommmyjem/posts/226725520738236
Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway - http://twitter.com/#!/esupermommy/status/154391653216563201
Wow, Mommy Joy, ang sowsyal, di kana ma reach, dami mong prizes! Hehehe! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Keep on blogging! =)
ReplyDeletePerlita Fernandez
FB URL:https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=315115685178467&id=100001897091025
TWEET URL:https://twitter.com/#!/fhitsfernandez/status/154392769614450691
FB NAME:Perlita Fernandez
TWITTER NAME:@fhitsfernandez
Just had a look at your blog and i love it... happy birthday...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, mommy Joy! Joining:
ReplyDeletename : Mai Songalia
email address: maithreeboyz(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook name: Mai Songalia
Shared Facebook post URL:https://www.facebook.com/mai.songalia/posts/352749724740942
Twitter name:mai3boys
Tweet post URL:https://twitter.com/#!/mai3boys/status/154445296959619072
Happy happy birthday Joy! :) I hope, more than white hair and feathers on your cap, an additional year has given you a whole lotta wisdom that you will be sharing in your blog.
Much love, Christia
My 7 New Year Resolutions from 2012 from Christia's World
Happy Birthday!! Thank you for sharing your blessings too :). God bless you more!!
ReplyDeleteEm Cortez
FB: Em Aban Cortez
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/#!/IamPinkEm/status/154466710395686912
Happy Birthday! :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the opportunity!
name: ma. myla
email add: myla (dot) dvm (at) gmail (dot) com
fb name: mharia maiylah
fb post: https://www.facebook.com/maiylah/posts/10150478772109892
twitter name: maiylah
twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/maiylah/status/154473066800496640
hope to win anyof this awesome prizes mam joy ^_^
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday po. God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeleteHere are my details:
name: Arlyn Heidi Basada
email address: ahbasada(at)gmail(.)com
Facebook name: Arlyn Heidi Basada
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/arlynheidi/posts/354779947871745
Twitter name Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/arlynheidi/status/154485072345571329
name: Ma. Elinor Semira
ReplyDeleteemail address: elinorsemira0124(at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook name: Elinor Semira
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/elinor.semira/posts/251307541605546
Twitter name: @mhoie1325
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/mhoie1325/status/154508775322157057
Happy Birthday! Really nice, but I don't do contests. Goodluck to whoever who wins though.
ReplyDeletehope to win happy new year:)
ReplyDeleteJoseph Paulo S de Leon
ReplyDeletepromking at kampeonngpagibig.com
cool giveaways :) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you be more blessed with sunshine in your heart to enjoy with your love ones!
ReplyDeleteGirlie Camungay
ReplyDeleteyeyecam@yahoo .com
twitter name: @yeyecam
name John Michell email address tic_tac_toe1616@yahoo .com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name John Michell
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170151826418059&id=100002323830915
Twitter name jmlangpo
Tweet post URL about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/jmlangpo/status/154301959845838848
Name: Norika shayne PasambaEmail address: norikashayne@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: Noriku norika
Shared post URL: https://www.facebook.com/noriku.norika/posts/293359834047983
Twitter name: @imurvillain
Tweet post : https://twitter.com/#!/imurvillain/status/154714000125476864
NAME : erica yu-bonifacio
ReplyDeletefacebook name : cai bonifacio https://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/ericayub
twitter name : https://twitter.com/#!/stuckwithErica
blogsite: http://stuckwith3.blogspot.com/
cool giveaways!! Happy New Year!!! More luck for 2012:)
ReplyDeleteVery nice giveaway. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeletename: Joan Macawiliemail address: kitten.macawili(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: Joan Macawili
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/kitten.macawili/posts/293605790690086
Twitter name: meeeow18
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:https://twitter.com/#!/meeeow18/status/154782768235155456
Name: Lida Lee-Gutierrez
ReplyDeleteEmail Add: lisac_272003@yahoo.com
Shared FB post URL: http://www.facebook.com/lidalee/posts/2623085070906
Twitter Name: Siowarma
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/siowarma/status/154829333901488128
Name: Rhozallino Chua Ramones
ReplyDeleteEmail Address: senomarj(at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook Name: Jhay Ramones
Facebook Post URL: http://www.facebook.com/jhayramones/posts/295489077163411
Twitter Name: jayramones
Twitter Post URL: http://twitter.com/#!/jayramones/status/154832205686910976
Name: Myrna Romanemail address: myrnaroman26@yahoo.comFacebook name: Myrns Geronimo RomanShared Facebook post URL : http://www.facebook.com/myrns.roman/posts/164801770293700Twitter name: msmyrnzTweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/msmyrnz/status/154835621007990785
Joined already
ReplyDeletename: Bagel Betorinemail address: chinky.baguette(at)gmail(dot)comFacebook name: Bagel Betorin Twitter name: chinky.baguette@gmail.comTweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/chinky_baguette/status/154859441353785344
ReplyDeleteName: Mary Ann Sanchez Cueto
ReplyDeleteemail address: meanne_artworks@yahoo .com.ph
FBname: Mary Ann Sanchez Cueto (Meanne II)
FbpostURL: https://www.facebook.com/mscueto/posts/278714552186005
Twitter name: @meanne_artworks
TwitterpostURL: https://twitter.com/?lang=en&logged_out=1#!/meanne_artworks/status/154922035544457216
Name: Mary Jomelle Briones
ReplyDeleteemail address: mayaahkow@yahoo.com.ph
FBname: Maya Briones
FbpostURL: https://www.facebook.com/mayaahkow/posts/199767610118829
Twitter name: @purpletortel
TwitterpostURL: https://twitter.com/#!/purpletortel/status/155042847710650368
Name: Michelle Talaboc
ReplyDeleteemail address: nobodyzZ_girl@yahoo.com.ph
FBname: Michelle Talaboc (chelxlife)
FbpostURL: https://www.facebook.com/mayaa...
Twitter name: @chelxlife
TwitterpostURL: http://twitter.com/#!/chelxlife/status/155072925521813505
Excellany Torrefiel
ReplyDeletetorrefielexcellany@yahoo .com.ph
Excellany Candel Torrefiel FB name
twitter: @excellany
Maryjade Anne A. Manzanero
FB name: Maryjade Anne Manzanero
Facebook url: http://www.facebook.com/maryjadeanne/posts/219871614762678
Twitter name: @maryjadeanne
Tweet url: https://twitter.com/#!/maryjadeanne/status/155176957888299008
name Aprilmae Ester Toemail address aprilmae.ester@gmail .comFacebook name Aester ToShared Facebook post http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=292000574185836&id=100003335802318Twitter name zzzbutterflies Tweet post https://twitter.com/#!/zzzbutterflies/status/155188342659620864
ReplyDeletename : Vera Paola Reyesemail address : paopaolar@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name : Teen Craze
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway : http://www.facebook.com/teencrazeblog/posts/204049399687473
Twitter name : @verapao
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/verapao/status/155219900984598528
hi.. I'm joining.. :)
ReplyDeletename: theresa montino
email address: theresamontino(at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook name: theresa montino
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/jayresa/posts/306252152751255
Twitter name: theresa montino
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/jayresa03/status/155263571285127168
~~~ thanks! hope to win! :)
Kimberly Camille Tiu
FB: Kimberly Camille Tiu
Link: https://www.facebook.com/KimTiu/posts/229052890503666
Twitter: kimtiu37
Link: https://twitter.com/#!/kimtiu37/status/155269970954158080
name: Reina Valienteemail address reina_v77@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: Rein Drops
Shared Fhotmail cebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170370869729259&id=100000211561868
Twitter name: r6inDrops
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/r6inDrops/status/155289886746882048
Belated happy birthday Mommy Joy! Joined!
ReplyDeleteMay Castro
Facebook name: May Castro
Shared Facebook post URL: https://www.facebook.com/mayvcastro/posts/217422905008358
Twitter name: @MayCastro
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/MayCastro/status/155299424367689728
hope I win! :D
Belated Happy Bday sisI am joining count me inCielo Pagcaliwaganbrownpinay(at)gmail.comFB: Amor Cielo Brown PinayLink: https://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/mariaamorcielo/posts/304638382911157Twitter: @brownpinayLink: https://twitter.com/#!/brownpinay/status/155317755204214784
ReplyDeletecloudz_strife08@@yahoo .com.ph
ReplyDeleteFrancis Faluchohttp://www.facebook.com/francisfalucho/posts/124509691002265
Belated Happy Birthday! More Blessing to come..
ReplyDeleteYen Angustiaarki_reen@yahoo.com
Mary Jane Francisco
FB NAME:Mary Jane Francisco
FB URL:http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=221303497952284&id=100003146035341
TWEET URL:https://twitter.com/#!/nik_mjf/status/155563094460993536
Laurence C. Beruin
FB name: Laurence Cruz Beruin
FB URL:https://www.facebook.com/movie.man.beruin/posts/230197327057785
Twitter Name: @lancehrin
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/lancehrin/status/155594493289168897
Eloesita Valderama
FB name: atiseole valderama
FB Post URL: http://www.facebook.com/eloesitavalderama/posts/342743975738403
Twitter name: @LalaValderama
Tweet Post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/LalaValderama/status/155681184502919169
really nice, happy birthday to you!
ReplyDeletename: melandria romero
email address - melandriaromero (at)gmail.com
Facebook name: melandria romero
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway - http://www.facebook.com/Babiesandcontests/posts/187968567968341
Twitter name: melandriaromero
Tweet post URL about this giveaway : https://twitter.com/#!/melandriaromero/status/155697430699057153
name- charmaigne grace gepanaemail address-hotie_shockz@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name- zash gepana
Twitter name- @charmaignegrace
Tweet post URL about this giveaway-https://twitter.com/#!/charmaignegrace/status/155844671770345472
belated Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! :D
ReplyDeleteName: brenda tendeemail address: brendatende . .comFB name: Brenda Espinas Tendefb post url: http://www.facebook.com/btende
twitter name: brendatende
tweet post url about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/BrendaTende
Happy Birthday, sis !
ReplyDeleteName: Fe Mangaliag
Email address: feam_34[at]yahoo[dot]com
Facebook name: Fe Aniceto Mangaliag
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/feamangaliag/posts/214406708648331 Twitter name: @flowingrhythms
Tweet post URL : https://twitter.com/#!/flowingrhythms/status/155928548752896000
Happy Birthday! I hope your day was great, filled with love and joy.
ReplyDeletename: redamethyst
email address: red.amethyst.mrm@gmail.com
Facebook name: marose castillo
Shared Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryrose.castillo/posts/146827305429952 Twitter name: redAquarian
Tweet post URL about this giveaway :https://twitter.com/#!/redAquarian/status/155934923805573120
Sis Joy, I've just joined your giveaway. Based on the overflowing comments, I can just bet it's a success. Congratulations! And happy birthday, too! Hope you have many more years ahead, years filled with love, wealth and health.
ReplyDeleteName: Maricel Rivera
ReplyDeleteEmail: careermomonthenet@gmail.com
Facebook Name: Maricel Alfonso-Rivera
Shared FB URL: Sorry don't know how to get that, but I did share the giveaway on FB
Twitter Name: careermomonline
Twitter Post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/CareerMomOnline/status/155949065853599744
Name: Marizza Domingo
ReplyDeleteEmail: modomingo[at]yahoo[dot]com
FB Name: Mariz Domingo
FB URL: https://www.facebook.com/marizdomingo/posts/212548682167017
Twitter Name: palakangnagtwit
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/#!/palakangnagtwit/status/155999489038098432
Name: Aiza Garnica
ReplyDeleteEmail Address: aiza_garnicaymail .com
Facebook Name: Aiza Garnica
Twitter Name: Aiza Garnica
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/aizagarnica/status/156021045197946880
Name: Louieneth M. Sy
ReplyDeleteEmail: louienethsy@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Louieneth Magaway-Sy
Shared FB URL: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=328142517208095&id=1601010907
Twitter Name: louienethsy
Twitter Post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/louienethsy/status/156029644624232448
Name: Lourdes D. Espanol
ReplyDeleteEmail address: lourdes_espanol(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook name: Malou Espanol
Facebook post URL: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=213522558734859&id=100002778220197
Twitter name: kikayprincess02
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/kikayprincess02/status/156040918884028417
ReplyDeleteEMAIL ADD: molinalnm@yahoo .com.ph
sheine deanna ramos
ReplyDeletesheinedeannagmail .com
fb: sheine deanna
fp post: https://www.facebook.com/sheinedeanna/posts/328691747152693
twitter: sheinedeanna
twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/sheinedeanna/status/156217391544680448
Hello Ms Joy.. I am very much excited to join this give away and I am hoping that I could have any of your prizes :)
ReplyDeleteHere's my account:
Name: Jackeline Paraiso
E-mail ad: jackie090981@yahoo .com
fb name: Jackie Cee
fb post: https://www.facebook.com/eikcaj.allysa/posts/278943738829555
twitter: jackie090981
twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/jackie090981/status/156245695194599424
name: Danilo Biadog Jr. email address: d_biadog08@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name:Danilo Biadog Jr.
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=357275047621682&id=1627255157
Twitter name: fft6jq
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/fft6jq/status/156365590582411264
name: Mariellen Cruz
ReplyDeleteemail address: elle.cruz2010@gmail.com Facebook name: Mariellen Cruz
Shared Faceboook post URL about this giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=111717342281872&id=100001153771123
Twitter name: chewybubbles
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:
name: michelle mae gomez
ReplyDeleteemail address: iamprincessjanggmail .com
Facebook name: Go Min Hee
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/go.minhee/posts/306077386100007
Twitter name
Tweet post URL about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/iamprincessjang/status/156666335793922048
name: jeffrey john imutan
ReplyDeleteemail address: jeffreyimutan[at]yahoo[dot]com
Facebook name:
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway:
Twitter name iamjimutan
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:
name: Raymond T. Cubeta
ReplyDeleteemail address: raymondtcubeta@gmail.com
Facebook name: Raymond T. Cubeta
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway:
Twitter name: @20086649
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:
name: Rommel R. Marcos
ReplyDeleteemail address: rrmmarcos@gmail.com
Twitter name rrm_marcos
Tweet post URL about this giveaway:
name: mymy creencia
ReplyDeleteemail: yosh.luis(at)gmail.com
fb name: mymy creencia
shared fb url: https://www.facebook.com/mymy.creencia/posts/273281192727366
twitter name: mybrikabrak
twitter share url: https://twitter.com/#!/mybrikabrak/status/157027318764797955
name: Merlina Palenciaemail address: mnmacasinag113(at)yahoo(dot)com
ReplyDeleteFacebook nameL Merlina Palencia
Shared Facebook post URL: https://www.facebook.com/minapalencia/posts/126865200765826
Twitter name: Mina Palencia
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/minapalencia/status/157189892747698176
Hi Ms Joy.. lot's of blessings to give... lot's of things to cherish in life... may you have more to come... God bless :)
ReplyDeletename: Michael Vincent baldonado
ReplyDeleteEmail: vincent4u_smt@yahoo.com
FB name: Vince Baldonado
FB Link : http://www.facebook.com/mvbaldonado/posts/168101373296203
Twitter name: Michael vincent
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/#!/iam_vin05/status/157636523221725184
name agnes espinoemail address agnesneriaespino@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name agnes neria-espino
Shared Facebook post URL about this giveaway https://www.facebook.com/agnes.neriaespino/posts/361509970532003
Twitter name agnes espino
Tweet post URL about this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/agnesespino/status/158572599926984706
Happy birthday po! May you have lots of candles to blow and cakes to slice. Good luck sa mga sumali sa inyong bday giveaway! Again, happy birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteAyan! Now lang ako natapos sa pagfollow ng lahat ng instructions pero naggreet ako sayo nung birthday mo :)
ReplyDeletename: Ellen Joy Cayaba
email address: ejcayabagmail .com
Facebook name: Vince Ellen Joy Cayaba
FB post: http://www.facebook.com/ejoycc/posts/102943636494788
Twitter name: ellenjoycastel
Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/#!/ellenjoycastel/status/158993828806791169
crossing my fingers XX
nice and very practical giveaways! :) btw, should I post my details here? ^_^
ReplyDeletewish you the best ms joy to you and your family ~
ReplyDeleteJoining Mommy! Happy Birthday and Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteName: Ruby RicafrenteEmail: admin at pinaymommyonline dot comFB Name: Ruby RicafrenteShared FB Post URL: http://www.facebook.com/pinaymommybiz/posts/325033140870942Twitter Name: MommyRubzTwitter Share URL: https://twitter.com/#!/MommyRubz/status/159504365865025538
I like the giveaways much! thanks!
ReplyDeletename: Mayette Domencilemail address: maye.domencil@gmail.com
Facebook name: Maye Domencil
FB post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=327458847276508&id=100002487328484
Twitter name: shylade81
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/shylade81/status/159508024426369024
name-Icar Maghirang email address-icarpampolina@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name-Icar Pampolina Maghirang
Shared Facebook post URL-https://www.facebook.com/icar.pampolina.maghirang/posts/3055681591580
Twitter name-@MyCharmedMom
Tweet post URL-https://twitter.com/#!/MyCharmedMom/status/159518683583094784
name: Donna Maye Dimaano
ReplyDeleteemail: donnadimaano09@yahoo .com.ph
facebook name: Donna Maye Dimaano
Shared Facebook post URL: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=121286847992077&id=1504291493
twitter name:@dunamicte
twitter post url: https://twitter.com/#!/dunamicute/status/160612783673720832
name: Gigi Beleno
ReplyDeleteemail address: giay0422(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook name: Gigi Celemin-Beleno
Shared Facebook post URL:
Twitter name: @mommygiay
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/mommygiay/status/160747219786543105
Ako rin. I'm a year older now. :)
ReplyDeletename: Christine SDemail address: tinsandiego at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: Chitin Diego
Shared Facebook post URL: http://www.facebook.com/chitindiego/posts/217186138372189
Twitter name: @LifesCheap
Tweet post URL: https://twitter.com/#!/LifesCheap/status/161411945663184896
Name:Esther Joy Asug
fb url:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=345051198848006&id=100002231940363
twitter url: https://twitter.com/#!/EAsug/status/161436606971117569
Name: Alma Ritchel Merin
ReplyDeleteEmail Address: alritch.meringmail .com
Facebook Name: Alma Ritchel Merin
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Twitter Post: https://twitter.com/#!/AlRitch/status/161501398033367040
Name: Emma Merin
ReplyDeleteEmail address: emma.merin@yahoo.com Facebook name: Emma Merin
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name: clintandrew mamuriemail address: xoxclint@gmail.com
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name : Donna Jane Marcuap email address : d.marcuap@yahoo .com
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Thanks for this contest!
Great prizes love it :)
Happy Happy Birthday to you <3
ReplyDelete- joanne gonzales
email address
- jongskie721(at)gmail.com
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- zoan721
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I am joining this contest sis:) thanks for the chance ehehe
name: kaye mendez
ReplyDeleteemail address: kaye{at}wahmaholic{dot}com
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name: Allan Reyes
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happy birhday!♥
ReplyDeletename: Elizabeth Aquino
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Nelson Alejotonski02@yahoo.com
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Twitter name n_alejo
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Happy Birthday Ms. Joy!!! God bless.
ReplyDeleteName: Ferdinand Angeles
email address: ferdinand_dti@yahoo.com
Facebook name: Ferdinand Angeles
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Thank you so much, I haven't receive an e-mail , my e-mail is d.marcuap@yahoo.com thanks ! <3